My Money Check Will Show You How to Start Improving Your Finances.

If your financial situation seems to be a mess, it can be difficult to know where to start cleaning. This interactive tool from Fidelity asks you a few questions to help you figure out where to start.

The tool will help you answer a few questions about your financial situation while you provide details. After the entire process, you will receive a quick overview of the areas you should focus on and the steps you should take to improve in those areas.

Keep in mind that Fidelity is a financial services company that has a vested interest in clients who do business with them. However, most of the steps they recommend indicate more of their free tools , which are very helpful in budgeting and figuring out how much money to spend. This is a very simple tool, but for people who are just starting to put their finances in order, it can come in handy. Check it out at the link below.

Checking my money | loyalty


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