Make Living With Dirt Easier by Declaring Areas Clean and Dirty
You may not like living with a slob, but neither does anyone like living with a cleaning nag. Making certain parts of your home look clean or tidy will help you both come to an agreement.
In this YouTube video Clean My Space, host Melissa Maker shares her favorite tips for living with people who aren’t as clean as you. She invites you to compromise and declare certain areas that you want to keep clean (your most important areas or MIAs), as well as areas that might be messy. For example, the kitchen and living room might be MIA, but the bedrooms and basement might be jumbled areas. Maker also explores some important tactics for discussing cleanliness, such as not nagging , showing respect, and trying to see their point of view on an issue. Remember, they seem like a slob to you, but for them you can be a freak.
Living with dirty people | Youtube