Try Hurricane Sprints for a Super Challenging Sprint Workout

Sprinting intervals on a treadmill or gym treadmill is a popular way to get effective short cardio workouts. There is one major problem: you mainly train your legs. With Hurricane Sprints, your upper body and core can actively join in the fun.

Typically, during a high-intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) sprint session, you do it like Usain Bolt for a period of “work.” Then you rest for a period of time before repeating. During a hurricane sprint, instead of rest periods, you should include a core (such as twisting a bar or bike) or upper body movement (such as push-ups or rowing), as written in this article at Roman Fitness Systems:

If you’ve never competed in a Hurricane Sprint before, here’s how I would start:

A1) Sprint, 3 x 20 seconds

A2) Push-ups, 3 x 20

Rest: 2 minutes

B1) Sprint, 3 x 20 seconds

B2) Row of dumbbells * (with both hands at the same time), 3 x 15

Rest: 2 minutes

C1) Sprint, 3 x 20 seconds

C2) Plank, 3 x 30 seconds

Note that if you don’t have a deadlift, try doing inverted rows on a low hanging bar in a park, or use a door .

As you get stronger, this article goes into detail about how you might change your workouts in the coming weeks – usually by increasing the duration. You should only do this workout once a week, and honestly I warn you: it’s only 15-20 minutes, but the workout will suck. But listen, this is what HIIT really is .

Remember also that HIIT, and especially these hurricane sprints, are advanced. You really need to relax in them. Conversely, if the above example was easy for you, this article discusses an even more advanced version and ways to piece together your own hurricane sprints.

Why You Need To Do Hurricane Sprints | Roman fitness systems


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