Schedule Like You’re in High School to Be Better Organized

Ah, for the carefree days of youth, right? When each of your lessons was planned in advance, you coordinated each lesson after lessons, and everything you did was scheduled on time. Wait, this sounds super organized. Maybe adults should try this.

It usually feels like you were more productive when you were younger because you just had more energy. However, as productivity blog Impossible HQ notes, high school or college education came with a lot of built-in timetables and task management that adults can quickly forget. If you’re trying to figure out how to get more done, try scheduling your timetable as if your teacher is pushing you.

Often I find myself saying (to anyone in particular) that “there is not enough time.” Sometimes it works as an excuse for me – but I know I definitely don’t have more time than last week, last year, or high school. If anything, I have much more time now than I ever have before.

But, looking back at myself at the age of 16, I realized that the problem is not in the amount of time, but in its quality. It’s more about how I used that time than the amount of time that ultimately determines what gets done.

Of course, it worked in high school because you had a lot of responsibility and a lot less autonomy. As an adult, you decide how you spend your time, so if you want to work late, stay up all night, and drink on weekends, no parent or teacher will stop you. However, if you want to finish the job, you can take the page out of the younger notebook.

Productivity Tips From My 16 Year Old Self | Impossible headquarters across 99u


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