The Most Popular Desktops and Home Screens of 2015

Every week we present customizable desktops and home screens submitted by readers that showcase beautiful wallpapers and great customization and customization of the user interface. Sometimes they are fun, sometimes functional, and sometimes both, but 2015 was a great year for everyone. Take a look at your favorites.

Global Monitor Desktop

Jerome doesn’t have admin rights on his work laptop (which makes sense), but he didn’t want that to stop him from adding a little personality to it. The result is a beautiful, informative, and customizable Windows desktop. This is how he arranged it all.

EarthBound Desktop

Reader bionicfemme shared this desktop with our Desktop Showcase and we love it, in part because we share a love for EarthBound. If you like it as much as we do, here’s how you can customize it.

Contemporary desk

Flickr user Greg put together this desktop using Windows 7, combining some of the things we love about flat design in Windows 8 with a little depth elsewhere and some well-placed, very useful widgets. This is how he arranged it.

Milkdrop Desktop

Working Flickr user table LostWatson surreal and beautiful, but it is well organized. A simple launcher on the side offers access to its applications, and everything else is neat and clear. Here’s what he used to do it all.

Pristine desktop

The Mackenzie desktop is a great place to relax in the woods that reduces stress just by looking at it – making it perfect for a desktop or second screen. Here’s how to set it up.

Limbo desktop

Reader Jayesh wanted the desktop to be playful, but at the same time helped him do things, so he took his love for Limbo (a game, not a theological concept) and put together this desktop, symbolizing the struggle to get things done while creating everything at the same time. his tools are at hand.

Equalizer desktop

Flickr user Elizabeth has a beautiful desktop where her music is in the spotlight. Plus, it’s really easy to set up. Here’s how she did it.

Midsummer night desktop

It’s summertime on the boulevard, and this beautiful Arch Linux desktop takes us to the beach. Our friend dobbie03 sent it and this is how he did it.

Low-Poly Island Desktop

The Saifali Reader desktop looks like something out of a pixelated fantasy game and we love it. Some of the wallpapers and some useful widgets are also easy to customize. Here’s how he did it.

Radial working table

Reader jonredcorn2 has shared this super clean desktop on Flickr, filled with useful information bordering on shortcuts and ribbons, informative but not overly loaded. This is how he arranged it.

Radioactive home screen

The term “radioactive” can conjure up images of Homer Simpson’s nuclear reactors. This home screen filled with green, inspired by the power of the plutonium. It’s even available in both dark and light themes.

Minimal orange home screen

If you don’t like clutter and miss Halloween a little, this home screen design should cheer you up and help keep your phone tidy. Using simple widgets and just a few icons, it’s sleek and clean.

Black Material main screen

There is something to be said about simplicity. Today’s designs adhere to a gray scale, but can still include a lot of information with a layout that conveys some depth.

Fantasy Day home screen

Few things are as annoying as turning on your phone at night and getting slapped in the face with a bright, cheerful home screen. This design is minimal and automatically switches between light and dark theme depending on the time of day.

Diamond home screen

Who needs horizontal lines? This home screen design shifts everything at its end, placing all the widgets and shortcuts you need on a stylish diamond grid.

White Winter home screen

In some places you may not be able to tell, but it is mid winter. If you need a window reminder, this peaceful white home screen will make you feel winter chill.

Expandable home screen

Sometimes less is better. Today’s home screen makes it easy to have an open home screen where there is room to breathe. Swipe right and you have an overlay with a minimum of widgets.

Sepia home screen

If your giant phone shining a bright light on your face every time you turn on the home screen is not your thing, you might like this design. Featuring a muted sepia color scheme, this design is pleasing to the eye, even with an AMOLED display.

The Noir Dark Home Screen

Widgets are useful for getting information quickly without opening an app. In this design, icons are completely absent, and the necessary information is displayed on a dark old home screen.

8-bit city home screen

Previously, 8-bit designs were a technological necessity, but now they evoke a nostalgic charm. Created by Reddit user Esrahaddon, this 8-bit landscape can actually bring a retro city to life on your home screen when set up correctly.


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