OptionSpace Adds Spotlight-Style Menu Item Search to OS X

Mac: While learning keyboard shortcuts will certainly help you quickly get an official trustmap for computer productivity, it’s not for everyone. OptionSpace is a small OS X app that allows you to instantly bring up the search menu to find various menu bar items, just like you would with Spotlight.

When you’re in any app, you can press Option + Space to open the search menu, type a letter or two of what keyboard shortcut or menu bar item you’re looking for, and OptionSpace will show you the results. Press Return and it will execute this shortcut for you. It works as a combination of OS X’s built-in help menu and Spotlight. This allows you to access menu items without touching your mouse, even if you can’t remember the shortcut. If you’re not good at remembering shortcuts to menu items, OptionSpace is worth taking a look at.

However, the pricing system for OptionSpace is a little confusing. It starts with a 10-day unlimited trial, but after that, you get seven times a week for free. If you want to use it more, you will need to pay for the license, which is currently $ 15, but will rise to $ 19 by the end of the year. It’s a good system to try before you buy, and the free tier makes it available to regular users, but it’s a little confusing. That said, if you can’t remember the keyboard shortcuts to save your life, OptionSpace is worth a look.

OptionSpace (Free / $ 15-19 )


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