The Most Popular Interpreters of 2015

Between tips and how-tos, we also often use “explainers”, in which complex topics are broken down into simple language. Our goal is to help you understand how these complex topics work and show you what you can do with your knowledge. Here are our best works of the past year.

Why Chrome uses so much RAM

Chrome may be the best browser , but it eats up your computer’s RAM like a Thanksgiving turkey. If you’ve ever looked at your Task Manager, you’ve probably not paid attention to the sheer number of Chrome processes and the amount of memory they take up. This is why Chrome uses so much RAM and how to curb its gluttony.

What Marijuana Really Does To Your Brain And Body

Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Whatever you call it, it is the most popular illicit drug in the world and receives legalization support for both medicinal and recreational purposes. But what does marijuana actually do to us? Let’s take a look at this amazing drug, its effects on health, and possible concerns about its use.

What Windows 10 Privacy Nightmare Settings Really Do

Windows 10 has a few handy new features, but according to the rest of the web, it also has features that hide any semblance of privacy. But this opinion is a little exaggerated. Let’s take a closer look at what each of these settings actually do, and which ones are actually a privacy issue.

Four hydration myths that don’t want to die

As Derek Zulander wisely put it, moisture is the essence of life. Whether you like drinking water or not, it makes up about60% of your weight and plays a heck of a role in keeping your body functioning properly. But beyond the statistics, there are a couple of hydration myths that refuse to die.

Eight Popular Myths About Tickets and Traffic Rules Debunked

You might think you know the rules of the road, but misinformation can spread like wildfire. From getting a ticket to making excuses for speeding, it’s time to get rid of some of the traffic misconceptions once and for all.

Why is the Windows 10 “system” process using so much RAM?

If you’ve taken the jump and upgraded to Windows 10 , you might have noticed something odd: the System process sometimes takes up an insane amount of RAM, possibly over 1GB. This isn’t actually a bug, it’s a Windows 10 feature. Here’s how it works.

Explaining each carrier’s confusing plans to buy a phone

The next time you buy a new cell phone, things will look different. The subsidized two-year contract is practically dead, and carriers have replaced it with a new pile of confusing options. Here’s what you need to know about buying a phone in 2015.

Five myths about smartphone batteries explained

In just a few years, the batteries in our smartphones have changed a lot. This means that these old tips for extending battery life are not as true as they once were, but we still share them as if they were the gospel. Before telling someone to turn off Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, let’s shed some light on these old myths.

No, your iPhone was never only $ 200.

Apple announced a new iPhone yesterday, but if you want to pre-order it this weekend, you might find it costs $ 650 – far from the $ 200 it cost on many older plans. I have bad news for you: your phone is never worth only $ 200.

Charge your phone twice as fast: fast charging explanations

If you bought your phone last year, it may have included a quick charger of some kind or offered as an accessory. Here’s how they work to charge your phone twice as fast as a regular charger.

What the government shutdown will mean to you

If Congress is unable to approve the 2016 budget by September 30, that is, by the end of this fiscal year, the US government will close its operations. This is a likely scenario as lawmakers have only a few working days left to come to an agreement, and no signs of this are in sight. Here’s what you need to know about how government shutdowns can affect you.

Greatest Concerns About GMO Foods Are Not GMOs

Everyone from Chipotle to Food Babe is opposed to genetically modified ingredients, and some states are seeing progress in passing GMO labeling laws. But the emphasis on GMOs is flawed because much of the concern people have about them isn’t actually GMO-related .

Misconceptions About Mental Illness We Need To Unlearn

Mental illness is not like a sinus infection. You can’t just wait it out or take a pill to make it go away. Our brains are complex and mysterious, and mental illness is no exception. This leads to many misconceptions that make recovery much more difficult. Here are a few things you should know whether you are suffering or not.

Is the stock market going to crash soon?

Dear Lifehacker, I’ve read a lot about how the stock market is breaking new records. Economists, Nobel Prize winners, warn that the market is overvalued. Does this mean that the collapse is coming? What should I do?

What all these confusing dress code terms really mean

You just received an invitation to an event or party and the dress code section says something like “business casual” or “only clothes with a black tie”. Here’s what all of these dress code terms really mean, with a few examples of each to help you get on the right foot.

Improvement or gimmick? Advanced picture settings for your TV, explained

HDTVs come with all sorts of advanced settings designed to “enhance” the picture, but most of them are just marketing gimmicks. In fact, your photo will look better if some of them are disabled. Here are some of the settings you’ll find in the advanced menu and what to do with them.

Can I be overweight and stay healthy?

Dear Lifehacker, I am a fat man who has struggled my whole life to lose weight. My doctor told me that my BMI is in the “overweight” category. To be honest, I’m happy with my body. I have no health problems and I try to lead a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. Can you be overweight and stay healthy?

An explanation of all Google’s confusing music services

Last week, Google launched YouTube Music to a few applause, a few groans, and a lot of questions: “Don’t they have a music service yet?” In fact, there are several of them: for starters, Google Play Music and YouTube Red. But don’t be fooled – they seem to be separate, but in fact they complement each other.

12 vague supermarket food labels with explanations

Grocery stores are littered with controversial labels such as “artisan,” “fresh,” and “humanely grown.” Some of these terms can be misleading in nature, but not all of them are completely devoid of meaning. Here are some of the most confusing terms you will come across in a supermarket and what they mean.

Who is the Fed and how does it affect your finances?

The Federal Reserve regularly dominates financial headlines, and yesterday was no exception, but their announcements can often seem like they are speaking a different language. What is the Fed and why are so many people paying so much attention to it? More importantly, does it affect your financial life?


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