Make Grieving Easier at Work by Being Honest With Your Coworkers

Grieving the loss of a loved one is never easy, but it can be especially difficult when you need to get back to work. Being honest and open to colleagues can make life easier for everyone.

Your coworkers may have good intentions, but the constant flow of information can make it difficult to concentrate on your work. Amy Morin, author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do , explains:

Well-meaning coworkers may pause throughout the day to ask you how you are doing or to express their sympathy, but while they can probably continue their day after the conversation is over, it can be completely upsetting for you.

When you try to focus, the last thing you need is a reminder of the tragedy you are facing. Morin invites you to first tell your colleagues what you are going through. Send an email to thank them for their sympathy and how they can help you. If you don’t want to discuss it at work, tell them not to bring it up. If you want them to give you some space, ask them to come to you only with work-related things. The sooner you learn to solve problems, the easier you will be to relate to yourself and the people you work with.

Coping with grief at work »wiki useful Fast Company


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