Infused Oils Are a Very Unusual and Very Lazy DIY Gift.

Fancy looking infused oils are a great DIY gift that seems a lot more time consuming than they actually are. This is great news for lazy people like me.

I swear I have good intentions. Each year I fully intend to make many thoughtful, edible gifts, but just existing while on vacation can be exhausting. Do you know how much a working jam costs? I do not! I am always dumbfounded when reading about the canning process and give up before that. This is why delicious infused oils are perfect for a giver like me. You can even spur them on at the last minute.

You can insist in two ways: hot and cold. The cold takes less effort, so I’ll do it. (You can read about the hot method below.) Infused oils are used for finishing, not cooking, so start with high quality olive oil that tastes good when drizzled over. Cold infusions work best with fresh and delicate ingredients like leafy herbs, citrus zest, and peppers, so opt for something like that. Grind about a cup of loose ingredients in a food processor and mix with butter. Once everything is fully blended, strain the solids and refrigerate , be sure to consume within a week. (There is no need to leave it on for very long before straining, as residual particles and oils from the flavorings will hang and add tasty healthiness.)

Update: If botulism in your infused oil is troubling you, precautions such as sterilizing bottles or cans, dehydration, or preparing ingredients can greatly reduce your risk. Always store infused oils in the refrigerator and be sure to use within a week.

Even the lazy can make this unusual edible gift | Bon appetit


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