This Is the Best Time to Tweet for Maximum Engagement.

If you want to grow your subscriber base and get more retweets, favorites, and clicks, it all comes down to deadlines. According to an extensive four-year study, these time windows are the best times to engage more actively with your tweets.

A study by social publishing platform Buffer analyzed over 4.8 million tweets across over 10,000 profiles to determine when engagement with tweets was on average at an all-time high. They found that the most popular time to tweet is in the middle of the day in most time zones, so naturally the best time to watch your tweets is late at night and early in the morning. Based on a global average calculated for local time in each time zone, it is best to tweet between 2:00 AM and 3:00 AM to get the most clicks, retweets, and favorites. In the US, another good time to tweet is between 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm. However, the worst time for any time zone is between regular business hours of 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

These results are slightly different from what we mentioned earlier , but this report, also analyzed and published by Buffer, was based on a separate dataset that did not cover the slightest span of time that was conducted in this study. In addition, he focused on general social media, not just Twitter. As always, treat this kind of information with a grain of salt and treat it as a guide, not a guarantee that your Twitter profile will explode overnight. Follow the link below to read the full report.

Largest Social Media Survey: What 4.8 Million Tweets Say About the Best Timing to Tweet | Buffer Social


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