After Your Vacation, Easily Return to Work With Travel Snacks

Vacations are great, but the first day at the office can be pretty awful. However, there are some simple ways to make the transition easier. One fun option? Take food with you to the office to remind you of your trip.

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We can all agree that nothing distracts an entire office from work like food, so why not bring some goodies from your trip to share? Not only will this give you a reason to get away from your assignments, but it will also give you a reason to spend the day recalling your favorite vacation moments.

This is a fairly simple sentence and you may have made it before. It is always nice to bring some tasty souvenirs to colleagues, but it can also help fond memories of a recent trip. This is just a simple tip on how to deal with the melancholy after your vacation . (If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you can also try making your daily life more like a vacation .)

For more tips, see the full post on Muse.

6 Ways To Survive Your First Day At The Office After A Great Vacation | Muse


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