Earn the Trust of Others, Showing Them Trust

When you show someone that you trust, there is a funny thing: he begins to lose vigilance. If you want someone to trust you more, do your best to show them how much you trust them.

People are more inclined to trust someone who seems to be on the same team. As explained by the author Heidi Grant Halvorson, in his book “ No one understands you and what to do ” , a lot of trust can arise from simple reciprocity:

We are more likely to feel that we can trust someone who trusts us in the first place – to someone who is open to cooperate rather than to compete and put the interests of others above their own … an invitation to intimacy indicates that you are in one team.

How best to show that you have someone you trust? Always grant them the freedom to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes (for example, when the driver in the back seat evinces very little trust), share with them the relevant personal information and confirm some of their views. If they say they can cope with the problem or achieve the goal, a simple “I know you can do it” will be very important. The more you can outwardly express their confidence in them, the more they will trust you.

No you do not understand and what to do | Amazon via Business Insider


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