What to Do If You Are Involved in a Car Accident

After a car accident, things can get so hectic that you probably have a hard time thinking right. These are what you need to do to prepare for an accident, as well as the steps you must follow if you are involved.

Be Prepared Before This Happens

You never know when an accident might occur, so it’s important to be prepared. Obviously, you need to have your insurance information, vehicle registration and license with you, but it’s also a good idea to have an emergency kit in your car .

Your emergency kit should include at least:

Philip Reed of Edmunds suggests , however, if possible, also include the following in your kit:

  • Anything to photograph (other than a smartphone, just in case)
  • Crash Report Form (or at least pen and paper)
  • Medical record of allergies and conditions for yourself and ordinary passengers.
  • List of contact telephone numbers of local law enforcement agencies.

Most of these items will fit in a glove box, so there is no reason not to take them with you. The more prepared you are for the possibility of an accident, the less you will be exhausted and confused if it happens.

Make sure everything is in order and move to a safe place

In the event of an accident, safety should be your number one priority, so make sure everything is in order before you do anything else. Check with every person involved in the accident, including passengers. If someone is injured, call 911 immediately. If someone seems unresponsive, insecure, or unsure if they are okay, call 911 anyway. Many injuries can be internal, so it’s always best to play it safe.

If it’s clear that everything is in order, the Allstate blog recommends moving everyone to a safe place as soon as possible:

You and your passengers should move to the sidewalk or side of the road as soon as possible after an accident. If the damage to your vehicle is minor and the accident is minor, you can also move your vehicle to the side of the road. But if there are injuries or you have questions about the safety of driving your car, leave it in place, even if it blocks traffic.

Whether you decide to move your car or not, turn on your hazard lights, spread out orange cones, reflective triangles or flares, and do whatever you can to make the situation more visible to other drivers. The last thing you want to do is cause another accident. If there is no curb or sidewalk, try to stay out of the traffic.

Keeping calm

If the accident was not your fault, you may feel prompted to get angry and yell at the other driver. It won’t work. First, blaming the other person can make it difficult to communicate with them, and you still need to get their information. Second, anger will give you tunnel vision and make it difficult to think at a time when you need to be as aware as possible.

Remember, you still need to exchange information, file a police report, document the damage to your vehicle, and contact your insurance company. The same is true if the accident was your fault. Even if they start yelling at you, try to focus on your business and try to be as polite as possible.

Call the police and file a report

Once everyone is safe, it’s time to get the police involved, even if it’s just a minor incident. Be sure to contact the local police in the area you are in, or the Highway Patrol if you are in an unincorporated area. Upon arrival, you need to provide:

  • Your driving license
  • Your vehicle registration card
  • Evidence that you are financially responsible for the vehicle
  • Your current address (if different from the one specified in your license)

You will then need to complete an accident report and provide information about the location and time of the accident, information about the other driver, and an explanation for injury and property damage. The type of report you file when officers arrive may vary from state to state, but you can see what may or may not be different for your area with the DMV.org Accident Guide .

When dealing with the police, Tim Keideth at Cars.com recommends that you also get some specific information from the officer (s):

Ask the police for a copy of the accident report. The transfer of the application can take up to two days. An officer’s opinion about the incident is useful if the drivers have a dispute about who is to blame. The police report will also contain information about the officer in case he is needed to testify.

If you are unable to obtain a copy of the report, at least get the officer’s name, badge number, telephone number, and police report number. Never leave the scene before an officer arrives. Leaving the scene before sharing information and reporting it to law enforcement is considered an offense in some jurisdictions.

There may be some cases, such as minor wing bends, where neither side wants to contact the police, but there are still some advantages to completing the report. If you later develop symptoms of injury, it will be much easier to get reimbursed from your insurance. In addition, police reports strengthen your claims for claims because they represent an impartial third party. Finally, you might think that your car is relatively unharmed when you inspect it on the spot, but if you find that your car is indeed damaged later, a police report will make it much easier to file your insurance claim.

Get information about another driver

While you wait for the police to arrive, be sure to get the other driver’s insurance and personal information. At a minimum, make sure you write down the following:

  • Their name
  • Their adress
  • Their phone number
  • The make and model of their car
  • Thier license plate
  • Their insurance company and insurance policy number

If possible, the State Farm also recommends trying to get additional information just in case:

  • Their email address
  • The attitude of the driver to the owner of the car (if he is not the owner)
  • Their photos

Finally, be careful with the information you share. Never give your Social Security number and never sign documents unless they are for the police or your insurance agent.

Never admit guilt or apologize

To protect yourself, it is important to never admit that the accident was your fault. CNN’s Craig Howie explains that even if the accident was your fault, and no matter how emotional you feel, an admission of guilt or an apology can make your life much more difficult. When you are talking to another driver, do not worry about your business. State only the facts and limit the discussion of the accident as much as possible. Let the police and insurance companies determine the blame. You may feel very bad now, but it will make you feel even worse if your premiums rise or you get sued.

Take photos and take notes for your insurance claim

At this point, you might think that you can’t forget what just happened, but you don’t want to risk it. Take pictures of the accident site, damage to your vehicle, damage to your vehicle, any injuries that may have occurred, and the surroundings. You can easily do it all with your smartphone, but it’s a good idea to have a backup camera in your glove box. Even if it’s a disposable camera, having a few crappy photos is much better than not having them at all. When in doubt, take a few more shots .

When you have all the photos you need, write down exactly what happened . Describe the scenario in as much detail as possible and indicate the moments that led to the accident. The sooner you notice what has happened, the easier it will then be to transfer your account to the police and your claims evaluator.

Consider going to the doctor (or at least talking to one)

Even if you feel good after an accident, you must take your risk of injury seriously. You may feel good, but there are a number of injuries that are usually associated with car accidents that do not show symptoms immediately. Your adrenaline can easily hide the fact that you are in pain, so be sure to watch for any pain or stiffness over time.

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries and it can take up to 24 hours for noticeable symptoms to appear. According to the Mayo Clinic , these are the biggest warning signs:

  • Neck pain and stiffness
  • Worse pain with neck movement
  • Loss of range of motion in the neck
  • Headaches, most often beginning at the base of the skull.
  • Tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back, or arms
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness

As soon as you start experiencing any combination of these symptoms, get yourself tested. If you’re not entirely sure, again, it’s always better to play it safe than sorry, especially with spine or neck injuries. Even if you think you are okay, Amanda Lautieri, Auto Agent for Limited Lines, suggests that you at least call your doctor to discuss the accident and get medical advice.


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