Impress Small Companies That Are the First to Get the Job With the One You Want

When you’re just starting your career, it can be easy to overcome the dream of working for the company of your dreams. They are upstairs. Why should they pay attention to you? When you find yourself in this position, start by targeting the smaller companies first.

As the business blog Entrepreneur explains, when you are not in your league, you are not in your league. You may be good enough to get a job, but the elite in your field hear from a lot of people who think they are the best. Instead of pestering the facilitator until he immediately gives you the job you want, try to impress the lower rungs in the area. The more you get your name among the people who surround your dream company, the more they hear about you and want to work with you. This strategy can also work for more than just work:

Sometimes, instead of playing all your cards targeting the world’s best sales leads, dating opportunities, or venture capitalists, you’ll get a higher return on investment by starting with goals that are more suited to your league. Impress other key players until the elite have no choice but to pay attention to you.

When you start out, you need to make a name for yourself. The lower the person or organization is on the totem pole, the more likely they are to listen to you. This does not mean that you can never rise higher. It doesn’t even necessarily mean that you are not good enough to get higher. But you can make a name for yourself before you meet the big guys, so you have something to impress them with.

10 Business Lessons I Learned In Bars | Businessman

Photo by Michael Hicks .


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