If You Are Working Remotely, Change Into Non-Work Clothes at the End of the Day

When you work from home, maintaining a healthy work-life balance can be challenging. You’ve probably heard that dressing as if you were going to the office helps. This separates your “work” mindset from the “home” one. Take this idea a step further by changing into “work clothes” at the end of the day.

We’ve come up with a few tricks to stay motivated when you work from home , including the old “ dress properly ” advice. Plus, it can help make sure that you change out of these clothes at the end of the day as you would with a typical job. The advice comes from Apartment Therapy reminding us that it is important to leave the “professional” version of yourself at the end of the day.

I work from home in a relatively small space, so when I’m not trying to keep things separate, I really feel like I’m on the clock all the time. But these little rituals, as subtle as they seem, go a long way, reminding me that the day is over. Simply put, he draws a line between the end of the working day and the beginning of the evening.

They also have more tips on how to maintain balance. Check out the full post below.

Work from home? 10 Things You Can Do To Separate Work and Home | Apartment therapy


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