Lots of Stuff Turns IPhone Into a CCTV Camera With IFTTT Recipes

iOS: There are many ways to turn your old iPhone into a regular security camera , but the free Manything app includes IFTTT recipes so you can do tons of things after motion is detected.

Like other apps, Manything allows you to stream from your camera to another iOS device on the internet. With Manything IFTTT recipes, you can set triggers based on movement, location, or time. They have a list of examples, such as recording when you leave the house, or sending you a clip every time the device detects movement. These triggers link them to other IFTTT-supported devices such as the Nest, WeMo, and Phillips Hue. When you get home, the lights come on, or when Nest senses you’re not there, Manything starts recording.

Much | via iDownloadThis

Much | ITunes App Store


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