Making Fondue Faster and Easier in a Pressure Cooker

Fondue pots are one of those things that everyone gets as a wedding gift, and most people use them once a year – not the best use of space and money. In a pressure cooker, cheese or chocolate will melt to the desired consistency much faster.

In Hip Pressure Cooking, they explain the advantage of the pressure cooker over fondue:

There is no need to melt and cook ingredients in a separate container. No hovering, measuring, or constant stirring. The entire process of making chocolate fondue is mostly automated until it’s time to dip into it.

The same quick and wet method works for most cheeses. The main thing is to use a mold or other small bowl inside the pressure cooker. Read the link for details and some suggested recipes.

Spicy, hot, hot chocolate fondue | Cooking food under pressure


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