Is It Better to Use It As a DIY PC NAS or Buy a Case?

Dear Lifehacker, I am thinking about setting up a NAS (Network-Attached Storage) for storage and backup, but I don’t know if I should build a computer or use the old one I’m kicking around, or if I should buy a special case like Drobo or Synology , for work. What would you recommend?

Regards, Disk Hunter

Dear Disk Hunter, Good question! Obviously, any approach has its pros and cons, so there is no definitive answer that will suit everyone. However, we have a few suggestions for you. However, depending on your level of tech savvy, how much fiddling and rooting you want to do with setup and configuration, and the features you’re looking for, one option may be better than the other. Let’s take a deeper dive to help you decide.

Do it yourself to get a cheaper custom system

The do-it-yourself approach is attractive for a number of reasons, but the biggest plus for building your own NAS from the bottom up is that you have a choice. If you are creating a NAS, you can select all the hardware that goes into it. You can choose the operating system you install, you choose which features are enabled, you choose disk sizes and how they are partitioned and partitioned into RAID, you choose active services, and how – if at all – your NAS communicates with other devices in your home network and beyond. It all depends on you.

You get exactly the device you need – it does everything you need and nothing more, you have the opportunity to put your creation into practice, and you can customize and configure everything the way you want it, and not the way. how someone else passes it on to you. You have a choice of operating systems for your home server , from the versatile Amahi to the enterprise-grade FreeNAS to the old PC-friendly, simple and powerful NAS4Free , among other options.

Of course, the flip side of the coin is that with this level of control comes the time and energy needed to make it all work. If you’re building your own NAS from scratch, you’ll also have to fork out for the components, build them, and make sure they all work. You have all the choices you could possibly want and the ability to enable only those features and services that you need, but you also need to take the time to configure and configure your system, enable these services and configure them properly, configure your file system, lock it all up, set up backups or file shares, and so on. We’ve got guides for each of the popular operating systems listed above to help you, but ultimately it’s all in your hands. If you are a power user, this is not a problem – you probably enjoy this challenge. However, if you just want something that works plug-and-play (and someone will call if it all breaks), this is not what you want.

You can offset some of the costs associated with doing this yourself by using your old computer as a NAS. However, older computers have drawbacks worth considering. While cases tend to save space and consume a lot of power, converted computers can be loud, slow, power-hungry animals with old, inefficient power supplies. They also need to be stored somewhere, connected and constantly turned on. You can partially compensate for this by using power saving features, or by replacing the fans with quiet ones and the old PSU with a more efficient one, if you are willing to shell out the money.

Buy a NAS enclosure for a more expensive and hassle-free installation

NAS enclosures like the multifunctional Synology models or easy-to-install standalone boxes like the Drobo also bring a lot of good to the party. Depending on the make and model you buy, you can use all the features you might need in a well-designed and well-maintained operating system, specially optimized for the hardware it runs on. You can choose the mix of features and benefits you want and pay for what you want, although you may have to make some compromises.

You also get the benefits of customer support if you run into problems, need help with setup, or have a hardware issue that you would otherwise have to resolve on your own. The support is excellent – and in some cases can even help you get your data back if your RAID fails, a firmware update makes something unstable with your chassis, or you just need a little help setting up a new feature. At the same time, if you are an experienced user, you may not need it at all.

Likewise, truly advanced users may feel limited by the options that the firmware offers. Synology does an excellent job of delivering highly sophisticated plug-in-centric and powerful user-friendly software for their chassis, but not all manufacturers take this approach. Drobo, for example, has no shortage of features, but it strives to customize and forget as much as possible in order to provide you with a NAS that you simply connect to a router, computer, or share your home network and then forget about it. If your goal is to master a NAS, a pre-configured enclosure may not be the right fit for you.

However, if you’re looking for special features like a near-crash-proof NAS for storing your files, or a space-saving device that can fit anywhere, a case might be your best bet. The downside is that you will be charged for these special features. A good case usually costs hundreds of dollars, while a larger one costs about a thousand. Even with the drives you have to buy for either approach, the case will certainly cost more than the old computer you have lying around (although depending on how inefficient that old computer is, things can get complicated there). Easy setup and customer support is very important. However, if you are the type of person who thinks your time and energy is worth more than the money you spend setting up or troubleshooting your home server, this might be a good option for you.

Bottom line: choose based on your budget and desired level of effort

At the end of the day, the option for you is one that fits your budget and the level of time and energy you want to spend getting your NAS up and running. You should also consider how much customization and control you want to do with it, or if you want something that can do other things and also just serve files. If you have the money but don’t have the time – or desire – to set up a DIY NAS, just buy a plug-and-play case and be done with it. If you prefer to practice and really tweak your system, or if you know that just buying drives for your NAS will cost you taxes, a do-it-yourself approach is best.

We have to mention that if you like the idea of ​​a do-it-yourself approach but don’t want a power-hungry, noisy old computer to do it, consider our $ 500 home server build. This way you get the benefits of a standalone NAS, but you don’t get the disadvantages of using old hardware. Also, if you want to try other advanced projects like deploying your own VPN, setting up remote access to your files and your home network, DIY might be the best approach (unless you’re willing to splurge on a NAS enclosure that offers these extras. you can be a great NAS with both approaches, all you have to do is choose the option that tip the scales in your favor.

Good luck Lifehacker


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