Nets Are Bullshit

So you’re trying to get better at networking by giving away business cards as free samples to help you move up the career ladder. We all try to do this, but treating the web like an aimless, productive robot is bullshit. Just try to be a normal person and meet people.

In my experience, here are the networking rules:

1. Networking is bullshit. You don’t “communicate”, you meet people. Give up your results-oriented mindset and enjoy the conversation. Be damn human about it . Put down the phone because …

2. Comfort zones are bullshit. The only network worthwhile is a diverse group network. Wide and shallow is the name of the game. With a wider network, you’ll have more interesting conversations, more room for problem-solving, and more ears for identifying trends. Leave your bunker and make friends with people who are completely different from you. Twitter and Facebook can protect you, so …

3. Social media is bullshit. Talk to people in the real world. Lot. Expand your possibilities with meetings, clubs, mixers and get your friends to drag you along to their social networks. Try talking to everyone at the event. Ignore your business cards because …

4. Business cards are bullshit. There is exactly one reason to use the card – you take their card because you want to continue what they said. They like old gasolines, do you have a friend who collects them? Ask for their card, write “Connect w Jeff re Benzes” on the front, put the card in your pocket and use it. Do not give out your card unless asked, because …

5. “Let’s talk later” is bullshit. They will never contact you. The ball is firmly on your court. If the conversation went well, call them back within two days, link them to what you wrote down, and check back every two weeks or so. Two weeks?! Because …

6. You never stop selling. You never stop supplying. Your life is vibrant, exciting and dynamic. Every week you have new people you can find and new developments that you can tell others about. And you will.

Your regular contacts make friends. Your excitement makes them listen. Your activity spreads the message that you are getting your way. Conversations are not “How are you? They are real, intuitive and rewarding. Most importantly, you really help people , which is why you start networking in the first place.

How can I learn to work online? »Originally appeared on Quora . You can follow Quora on Twitter , Facebook, and Google+ .

This answer has been edited for grammar and clarity.

Image adapted from murphy81 (Shutterstock).

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