Three Things People Look for When They First Impress You

When they first meet, most people immediately rate you based on your reliability, perceived strength, and your ego. This is what it means.

People want to find out if you are friend or foe, if you can help them (and how), and where you are socially compared to them. Subconsciously, people seek confirmation of their superiority over other people or groups.

According to the Harvard Business Review, to make a better first impression, you must be (or at least appear) trustworthy and warm, demonstrate how you can be of service to them, and be humble so as not to threaten their egos. As you become best friends, visualize yourself as part of the other person’s group so that they are not threatened by your progress and achievements.

The full version of their post can be found at the link below – this is a good read.

A second chance to make the right impression | Harvard Business Review


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