Top Downloads This Week

Every week we share the number of downloads for all platforms to help you get started. Here are the top downloads this week.

Most Popular Computer Comic Reader: ComicRack

Reading digital comics on your desktop is easy with the right tool that will best help you organize and enjoy your comic collection. Last week we asked you to list your favorites and then looked at the top 5 desktop comic book readers . We will now return to highlight your loved one in general.

Best command line replacements for bloated desktop apps

Command line utilities are often meant for the most passionate of us, but many are actually better than the desktop alternatives. In fact, many are easier to use, use less resources, and often have more keyboard shortcuts. Let’s take a look at some of our favorites.

SmartVideo for YouTube fixes buffer issues on slow connections

Chrome / Firefox: If you have a slow internet connection, YouTube is unbearable. It never seems to know when to start playing and when to stop buffering. SmartVideo for YouTube gives you control over it all.

Kanbanot organizes your Evernote notes on boards like Trello

Web / Android: Evernote is quite adaptable for task management, as is the case with the Secret Weapon / GTD approach. However, if you prefer a personalized Kanban method for increasing productivity, Kanbanote can organize your notes into visual lists.

Chromebook can now run Linux in its own window

Chrome: You could install and run Linux on a Chromebook for a while, but the new Chrome extension lets you run it inside a window without switching back and forth.

What should I clean with CCleaner?

Dear Lifehacker,

I’ve heard that you (and others) recommend CCleaner as a Windows servicing tool , but I’m not really sure what to do with it. Should I just clean everything up? Will it really make my computer faster? I’m a little overwhelmed here, help!

Elevate gives you daily brain games to train your mind

Android / iOS: We’ve discussed many times why it’s important to exercise your brain every day. If you’re unsure where to start, Elevate can give you a boost by offering you various brain challenges on a daily basis.

Simpler Contacts merges, backs up and exports your contacts

Android: The built-in dialer for your phone differs depending on who created it, but Simpler Contacts is available to everyone and offers many features, including the ability to back up or export your contacts.

Facebook Messenger eliminates inbox clutter

Chrome: Facebook is a bit of a mess and the posts section is one of the worst offenders. If you use Facebook primarily for email, Distraction Free Facebook Messenger is a Chrome extension that removes junk.

Contacts Pics + finds and adds images to iOS contacts

iPhone: The iPhone Contacts app might link to Facebook or your address book to retrieve images, but that’s about it. Contact Pics + is a simple little app that crawls Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Image Search, and more for images.


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