Convenience for Guests With Equal Seating Heights in the Living Room

When one person is taller than others, it can make people feel elevated and anxious, even if only on a subconscious level. Make your living room more comfortable for visitors by offering the same seat height options.

It may seem like you shouldn’t think about it, but if you bought sofas and chairs at different times, you hardly have to think about a comparable seat height. Keep in mind that even if the seats are about the same height, people can still feel uncomfortable if they drown (and thereby lower their point of view) on your couch or chair (bar stools are another common reason).

When people come to visit, you want to make your home as welcoming as possible, and this is one easy place to start. To learn more about how to improve your living room, check out the post on the Apartment Therapy website at the link below.

Break the Ice: 8 Tips to Create a More Relaxed, Cozy, and Comfortable Living Room | Apartment therapy


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