Customize Your Yoga Schemes With This Diagram

If you are used to practicing yoga , doing yoga on your own can be tricky – what poses should you choose? Or, if you follow a stream you find on the internet, how can you change or replace something that is not quite right for you? This table from Stack52 can help you find the right pose.

In the same vein as their “periodic tables” for stretching , kettlebell exercises and suspension exercises , the table groups yoga poses into columns according to type of movement (hip extension, inverted movements, balance) and rows according to level difficulties.

So if wheel posture is too much deflection for you, you can scroll up the deflection / chest openers column in the table and decide that, say, fish pose is more appropriate. Or, if you love turns, you can pick a few favorites from the list and put them into practice. (Click poses for video demonstrations, which often include several more options to choose from.)

The chart is just a reference, not a complete yoga instruction, so you should still be aware of your limitations and control your practice. But if you often wonder what asana to do next, it might awaken some ideas.


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