Record Your Screen As GIF Using LICEcap

Windows and MacOS: LICEcap is a simple application for capturing a portion of the screen and saving it in GIF format. This is very useful when you cannot easily share a video file, or when you want to publish your post to a web page, and uploading the video is too difficult.

LICEcap looks like an empty application window frame. You drag it over the area you want to record and click Record . Then you can interact with the window as usual. I recorded myself in a flash game:

And this is what my screen looked like with the LICEcap neatly placed around the area I wanted to capture:

The app is also a very crude way to turn a video clip into GIF if you clean up any random frames in Photoshop. I recorded one of my old YouTube videos by simply playing the video inside a LICEcap frame and then trimming the start and end in Photoshop. The picture is more succinct than I would like, but it conveys the essence:

In LICEcap, you can choose whether to render the mouse clicks. You can also add text, move the frame while recording, pause recording with a keyboard shortcut, and select the maximum frame rate. You must position your window within the borders of the LICEcap window; on macOS, I couldn’t get LICEcap to work in full screen mode. It’s a quick and dirty app for fast and easy recording.

LICEcap | Cockos Inc. (via Dense Discovery )


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