These Dates and Nights Are Better Than a Solo

I don’t like dating, but I like dating. The problem with dating is rarely the date itself, but all the things that happen before (like finding someone on a date) and after (getting that person to date you again or leaving you alone) can really suck. However, casual dating is the rule, and honestly, there is no reason to involve the other person.

Most of the things I like to do with a romantic partner can be done in the comfort of your apartment. My boyfriend and I sometimes hesitate to eat food that I can’t or don’t want to cook, or watch a movie that isn’t on the streaming platform, but we’re always relieved to return home where we have snacks and a bed and control over volume and temperature. In fact, most dating activities — movies, dinner, and drinks — are just as good, if not better, alone. Apart from the little rush caused by the feeling of independence and self-confidence, doing something yourself is much easier in terms of logistics.

Watch the films yourself

Unless you’re a teenager in need of neck space, going to the movies with someone else is pretty much pointless. You can’t talk during the movie, so you’re essentially paying $ 10 to sit in silence and stare at someone other than you and the awesome outfit you’ve chosen. I suppose you could argue that it’s nice to talk about the movie after that, but I hope you don’t need such a conversational crutch, especially on the first date.

Watching a movie in the theater on your own is cool for many reasons. You can sit wherever you want, and since you are the only one, you are more likely to find a good seat. You can douse your popcorn with any amount of artificial butter, add salt as much as you like, and pour in a bag of M&M if you like. You can also avoid rearranging the bag back and forth, allowing you to slide snacks from the movie into your mouth without hindrance.

Another great thing about enjoying cinema alone is that you can sit with your thoughts on cinema for a bit, rather than immediately forming an opinion after leaving the theater. I find that this usually leads to the fact that I end up saying smarter things about the film, and I like nothing but smart words. Heck, you don’t even have to tell anyone that you watched the movie; completely excuse yourself from the conversation if you like.

Go to concerts on your own

A concert, like a theater, is a terrible place to talk. Even before the show starts, house music is often too loud for any conversation to take place. (If you are thinking, “I had great conversations during live music concerts,” know that you are very rude and are now my enemy.) The best conversation you can hope for in a concert is awkward screams asking “ WHAT? “A whole bunch of times, nodding and smiling, because you can’t bear the thought of asking your date to repeat yourself again.

You can also stand wherever you want without worrying about your couple “seeing well.” If you are just the lonely person on the show, it will be much easier for you to make your way to a good place. You don’t have to worry about losing a partner, and — this is especially true if you’re single women — people tend to be friendlier to a single person and less annoyed about being allowed to pass by one person rather than two. (This may not apply if you are a tall dude. Sorry tall dude.)

Then there is a matter of time. And leaving the show earlier than you want and staying longer than you want is very annoying. Going alone means you can come and go exactly when you want and either leave early to avoid traffic jams or stay to catch the setlist.

Drink it yourself

“Drinking alone” is often referred to as “sad” or “alcoholism”, but for me there is nothing more meditative than sipping a super cold martini and staring into space. If the lighting in the bar allows, you can grab a book (the one you read or the one you write on), but letting your brain wander under the light of a cocktail or two is a good way to test your thoughts and feelings if you are into these kinds of things. … Sitting at the bar, you can talk to the bartender, which is nice but not necessary, so there is no real pressure to dazzle with dialogue.

Dress for yourself

Regardless of which date you choose yourself, it’s important not to skip the “get on” step. Take a shower, shave, do your hair and / or makeup. Make some effort for you . When I met a lot, my favorite part was preparation. More often than not, listening to the Rolling Stones record while I was dressing and painting was the highlight of the evening, as looking good makes me feel good. (This is especially interesting if you can get yourself a 90s teen comedy look by wearing something short all day before morphing into the proverbial swan.) If you are someone who usually dates men, you can dress for yourself by freeing yourself from a man’s gaze – although we were never free – to be cheerful.


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