How to Prevent Condensation on Windows (and Why You Should Do It)

Condensation can form on windows when there is a significant temperature difference between indoors and outdoors. When it’s outside, condensation is essentially dew and disappears when the sun heats up the window. However, indoor condensation is a sign of high humidity in a room or perhaps throughout the house.

But condensation on windows doesn’t just block your view: if it happens regularly, it can cause damage over time. Here’s what you can do to prevent condensation from forming on your windows in the first place.

What causes condensation on windows?

Condensation forming on indoor windows when the indoor air is exceptionally humid is not unusual. This can happen when someone is cooking (especially boiling water), taking a hot shower or bath, or drying clothes. In such situations, condensation usually disappears when the indoor humidity level returns to normal.

However, if condensation is forming on windows throughout your home, even without steps to improve the humidity, it is likely a sign of excessive humidity in your home—a broader problem that should be addressed immediately.

How to prevent windows from fogging up

Since condensation on the outside of windows usually goes away on its own, we’re going to focus on preventing it from forming indoors.

Start with the basics, such as turning on the exhaust fan and/or opening the windows when you cook or shower or bathe. If you have a thermostat that measures and controls the humidity level in your home , take advantage of this feature and be sure to keep it below 60%—ideally between 30% and 50%. Likewise, if you are using a humidifier, turn it off or turn it off completely.

If you’ve already tried these strategies , here are a few more to consider :

  • Increase ventilation and air circulation throughout your home with a combination of open windows and a variety of fans.

  • Open curtains, drapes and other window treatments to prevent or release trapped heat on window glass.

  • Start the dehumidifier

Is condensation on windows harmful?

Occasional condensation on windows for an obvious reason, such as when showering or cooking, is normal and usually nothing to worry about. But frequent condensation —especially if it’s the result of an overly humid home—can eventually lead to mold or mildew growing around your windows. It can also cause window frames to warp or rot, as well as paint to bulge, crack, or peel.


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