What Can and Cannot Be Done in Management, According to an HR Expert

Your relationship with your boss can determine just about every aspect of your job, including your workload, job satisfaction, and overall career prospects. Given the difference in power, many of these things may seem beyond your control. This is where “ management ” comes into play: management is the process of actively managing your relationship and responsibilities with your boss.

As Amy Dreider, management consultant and owner of Growth Partners Consulting , recently wrote on her blog , “Management is about maximizing the most important relationship you have at work—the relationship with your boss.” This is not about sucking up, but about developing a productive relationship with your boss, learning about his management style, and actively aligning your work style with his to make your working relationship more productive. As Dreider writes, “Employees have great power to make choices and take actions that positively impact their relationship with their boss and thus increase their satisfaction.”

How to effectively manage

As Dreider suggests , there are certain actions that can help improve your relationship with your boss. These “cases” include understanding their preferences so you can tailor your style; ask clarifying questions and confirm their expectations; and sincere thanks when appropriate.

These recommendations can be especially important if your boss has no managerial experience, is disorganized, or has a heavy workload, as they are likely to be experiencing the same difficulties as you. If so, management can help make life easier for your boss, and by extension, for you.

What to avoid

Management is all about building a better, more productive relationship with your boss. As UC Merced conflict resolution trainer Luke Wiesner wrote on his blog , there are a number of strategies to avoid, including not controlling your boss; do not rise above the head; and without trying to change your management style.

As Dreider advises, it’s also important not to take everything personally, especially if you have a micromanaging boss and you should avoid neglecting your own needs, which can happen if your relationship with your boss is especially difficult. “Depending on the boss, managing can feel frustrating, time-consuming, or like serving the boss’s ego,” she says. “But look at it differently by putting yourself in their place. What would it be like to work with someone who adapted their style to yours? Pretty good, right? You will likely feel a greater sense of trust because they “understand you”. This is the essence of teamwork and collaboration, and this is exactly what management strives for.”


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