How to Replace That One Damn Cracked Tile

Tiles are a beautiful and versatile floor and wall covering. Waterproof, cool to the touch, relatively easy to clean and maintain, and long lasting when installed correctly. However, this does not mean that it cannot be damaged, and there is nothing – nothing! — more annoying than one cracked tile on a field of perfect tiles. The fury is even greater if the crack is the result of a stupid accident, such as dropping a tool or reckless golfing indoors. Even if you want to avoid noticing a crack, you really shouldn’t – cracked tiles can have sharp edges that can injure your bare feet and hands, and damaged tiles in a damp place can allow water to seep into your walls or subfloor.

But unless you’re strongly unaware that your cracked tile is due to a structural problem or improper installation, you don’t have to rip an entire wall or floor out of tile to fix one treacherous culprit. With just a little tool addiction, you should be able to replace that damn cracked tile ruining your aesthetic.

slow down

Resist the urge to grab a hammer and knock the tiles out of the wall. Yes, that would be very nice! Until, in your exuberance, you cracked more tiles and grout lines, and then realized that you also undermined the wall under the tile or thin adhesion. To create, one must destroy, yes, but not like that.

Second, make sure you have a spare tile to work with. You saved some tiles from the Renault, did n’t you? If not, or if the tile work precedes you, you will have to track down a replacement tile. Be aware that even if you find the same brand and color of tile, the color and finish can vary greatly from lot to lot. And if your existing tile has been there for a while, it can have uniform wear that makes the new one very noticeable, which can be just as distracting as damaged tile. Before doing anything, compare the new tile with the existing installation. You can replicate your broken shard tiles if needed, but this is not cheap and can take some time. But this may be the only way to get a perfect match, especially if your tile is discontinued.

Once you have the tile, grab some supplies: a grout saw, masking tape, a drill, a hammer and chisel, and some glue.

  1. Remove grout. Use a grout saw to saw off the grout around the edges of the broken tile. (You can also use a multi-tool with a grout attachment.) Be careful not to scratch the good tile—do it slowly and steadily.
  2. Attach the tiles with adhesive tape. Use masking tape to cover the undamaged tiles around the broken one. This will protect them from damage.
  3. Drill out the tile. Using a suitable 1/4-inch bit (eg ceramic tile bit, stone tile bit) make several holes in the pieces of broken tile, being careful not to penetrate the base. This makes it easier to push out broken parts.
  4. bit. Using a hammer and a cold chisel, a tile chisel, or honestly any flat-edged tool (such as a screwdriver), gouge out the broken tile. Again, do this slowly – you don’t want to damage any of the surrounding tiles. Once the tile itself is gone, go back and cut out the remaining thin mass or mastic until you have a clean, clean backing.
  5. Install tiles. Clean the hole, apply a thin coat of adhesive or other adhesive, oil the back of the new tile, and install it. Once it’s ready, apply the solution and you’re done.

If you worked carefully and had extra tiles, your work should be invisible. Now all you have to do is find a new place to practice hammer juggling.


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