Sense HAT Is the Perfect Accessory for Your Raspberry Pi Powered Alexa
Making your own little Alexa-powered voice assistant with a Raspberry Pi is n’t all that hard, but there is one caveat: you need to press a button before you can initiate voice commands. The Raspberry Pi Guy came up with an elegant solution using the Sense Hat.
The project itself is no different from other DIY Amazon Echoes. First, you need a microphone and an external speaker, and then you just need to follow a few simple commands. What sets it apart is the addition of Sense HAT instead of just the boring old button. Sense HAT isn’t a cheap solution at around $ 40 , but it’s definitely one of the coolest, especially considering the little animation system The Raspberry Pi Guy has developed. Go to GitHub for a complete setup guide.
Artificial Intelligence Pi | GitHub via Adafruit