How to Survive a Wolf Attack

As the sun starts to set, you start walking back through the forest to the camp. Suddenly, a pair of sharp teeth of a snarling wolf appears in front of you – and more. Here’s what you do.

If you ever meet a wolf, he will surely bring friends with him. As wolf tamer Oliver Starr explains , they are pack hunters who cover very large tracts of uninhabited land. Wolves are also “running predators,” meaning they like to run away with their prey. So if you are faced with a pack of wolves, it does not work , or they will chase you. More often than not, if you stand your ground, they leave you alone. If they don’t back down, Starr offers the following tips:

  • Don’t try to look down at the wolves. They see eye contact as a problem.
  • Don’t turn your back on the wolves as they will try to flank you.
  • Make yourself bigger by raising your arms above your head or lifting your jacket or shirt.
  • Shout at the wolves as loud as possible.
  • Throw stones at the wolves if you can, without making yourself vulnerable.
  • Back away slowly as you do all of the above, but be extra careful not to trip over. The fall could have prompted the wolves to strike.

Starr himself survived the attack of a captive wolf , which resulted in him being seriously injured, and it was just one wolf who gave up only after another trainer grabbed the wolf by the testicles and jerked hard (something worth remembering). He emphasizes that if the whole flock decides to attack you and you are alone, there is little you can do. Fortunately, wolves are very rare, and attacks are even more so; This usually only happens to hunters who have gone far to hunt in the wilderness.

Update : It’s important to note that the wolf attack that Starr survived was carried out by a captive wolf, and the attack only happened due to his lack of knowledge, experience and handling skills at the time. Starr explains that he spent many nights sleeping in wolf country and never once felt that wolves were a threat. Wolf attacks are extremely rare, and they are very wary of humans. The text above has been revised to clarify this. You can read more about Starr ‘s experience with wolves here .


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