Why Do You Keep Succumbing to in-Store Pricing Psychological Gimmicks

We’ve learned to understand how stores are trying to get you to pay more using dubious pricing psychology tricks . But if we know how they work, why do we keep falling in love with them? In short, because we want it.

We like to blame the evil stores that they use manipulation tactics to trick you into doing things that you would never have bought yourself. Why, if the stores were just honest, we would never buy anything other than what we absolutely need! But this is not true. When we buy the things we want, we look for an excuse, even arbitrary, that spending money is okay. Retailers are simply flattening the boundaries by making this decision easier. As the advice site The Middle Finger Project explains:

If you’ve ever wondered why the price is $ 199 instead of $ 200, it’s not because someone is trying to cheat you. This is because we need to deceive ourselves.

It’s much easier to justify spending a hundred dollars and a change (we write off the second half of the number) than two hundred dollars, even if the difference is only one dollar. Once you put two in front of him, you change the game. As soon as you place two in front of it, the price will be moved to a new category.

Of course, the store is not some selfless hero connecting us to the products we’ve always wanted. They want to make money. However, it is important to understand that none of these tricks will work unless we already want what they sell. If you want to turn off the power of a retailer or advertiser at source, you must be able to let go of the desire for their products.

$ 199 vs $ 200: A dollar difference is never just a dollar difference. | Middle Finger Project via Rockstar Finance


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