Check Out Sweet Lifehacker T-Shirts, Stickers and Hoodies in Our New Store

You asked when we will be selling Lifehacker t-shirts and stickers, and well, today is the day. Maybe a sticker for your laptop or a T-shirt to show the world that you are not only beautiful, but well-read. Now is your chance! The Lifehacker store is open for business.

We start with logo shirts, light and heavy hoodies, a logo print LH shirt (shown above) that you may remember from centuries ago, and some stickers perfect for your laptop (or wherever you go. you might want to stick a sticker.) Head to our new official store in Guji to check out souvenirs !

Keep in mind that we are still expanding the possibilities here too – maybe you need a Skillet T-shirt or Vitals shirt, or maybe there is another creative design you would like to see. Let us know what you want us to do and if there is enough interest, we will take care of it.

Until then, thank you for reading and thank you for staying with us all these years.

Lifehacker | Official Store


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