Your Lowest Weight of the Year Is Probably Right Now.
We already suspected that most Americans put on weight during the November and December holidays. So, analyzing the data of smart weights shows that this is true – and that right now, your weight is probably the lowest in a year.
The weight that we gain for the holidays does decrease, but not immediately. The January diets will take care of about half of this, and the rest will take most of the year to even out. The researchers used data from a Withings wireless scale and subtracted any total gains or losses to determine where the weight changed throughout the year. The Japanese put on weight during Golden Week, while the Germans put on weight before Easter and Christmas.
Now that you know the schema, you have the tools to change it: More food attention now and in November will likely save you at least a fraction of the pounds without requiring you to diet for Thanksgiving.
Check out the link below for what the researchers analyzed and how, and see the full chart comparing the weight gain and weight loss patterns of Americans and people in Japan and Germany.
Weight gain over the holidays in three countries | New England Journal of Medicine via The New York Times
Photo by Paul Sullivan .