Get Ready for the Week With Sunday Power Hour

You probably have something to do over the weekend to get ready for the coming week, which might make your free time less enjoyable. Pack these tasks into “power hour” on Sundays so you can make the most of your weekend and still have a smooth start to your work week.

Everyone has their own things to do, but here are a few general ones to start your list for an hour of power.

  • Pack your work bag . Collect whatever you need to bring to the office on Monday and put it in your bag to grab and go.
  • Prepare snacks or light meals . Snack packs for the week so you have things to take with you when you go out. You can even prepare your food a little, such as portioning smoothie ingredients or chopping up common ingredients such as onions.
  • Review your schedule . Take a quick look at the week ahead to see if you have any appointments you need to prepare for or anything outside of your usual schedule.
  • Make a hit list Monday morning . Write down the first things you need to do at work on Monday. You will be focused from the moment you walk through the door.

In addition to getting ready for the work week, you can also add housework or other personal tasks to this strength hour, although this can increase the time it takes to complete everything. But the goal remains the same: group everything you need to do so you can spend the rest of the weekend doing what you want to do.

How to do all the annoying things on the weekend in one powerful hour


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