Play With Bacteria in This Printable Card Game

If you really need a last minute gift, try this boring card game that you can print on cards and play today. Developed by microbiome researcher David Coyle , Gut Check pits your microbes against adversaries: you can catch infections, take probiotics, and watch antibiotic resistance genes spread throughout the population.

Looks really fun. The table in front of you represents your intestines, and you can fill it with microbes: beneficial, pathogens and opportunistic microbes that live in the favorable zone, until you draw a card that will change your state of health and give these microbes a chance. cross over to the other side. You can get rid of pathogens with a fecal transplant card, or draw out a tetracycline card that kills any of your germs that are not stacked on the antibiotic resistance card. There is even a homeopathy card that does absolutely nothing.

The downloadable version is here , although if you want to support the creators, it’s also available on Amazon in a boxed set.


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