The Fastest Way to Level up in Pokémon GO

With the recent announcement of Pokémon Let’s Go for Nintendo Switch and its ability to interact with Pokémon GO, players are returning massively to the mobile game. If you’re trying to get back into the game, here’s a trick to quickly level up and catch up with those who never leave.

I’ve been playing Pokémon GO again for the last couple of months, so at a recent wedding I asked if anyone else was thinking about playing again (at some point we all played – a lot). To my surprise, several of my friends told me that they never stopped and approached the max level of 40. So I asked them if they had any tips for those looking to catch up. If you are a level 5 trainer, this trick will help you quickly climb to the next level:

  1. Spin in the gym like PokéStop and get a free Raid Pass that can be used on all raids, including Legendary.
  2. Save this Raid Pass for one more day (the next day you will have time to play for at least half an hour or so).
  3. When you’re ready for a raid, carve out the Lucky Egg (which gives you double experience for 30 minutes) and join your first raid.
  4. Complete the raid, then quickly find another gym to spin in and get another free Raid Pass (or purchase the Premium Raid Pass for 100 PokéCoin from the app store).
  5. Find another raid and complete it.
  6. Repeat this process over and over until you have Lucky Eggs and are ready to buy Premium Raid Passes.

Even if you don’t want to spend a dime, this method will bring you a huge experience in 30 minutes. It’s all about using those Lucky Eggs that you sometimes get as you level up (and can also be bought) – so keep them until the time is right! For example, legendary raids usually give you 10,000 XP, but with a Lucky Egg you get 20,000 XP. And if this is a double experience event, you can accumulate 40,000 experience, because the multipliers add up. This is by far the largest amount of experience you can get in no time, and you will need everything you can get for the next levels. It takes 5 million XP to go from 39th to 40th level. (Note: this will not show that you have earned double XP after completing the raid, you will only see the standard reward value, but you will definitely get double XP, so don’t worry.)

Another key to this strategy is finding raiding friends. More difficult raids are not possible if you are alone, so you need to form groups. My friends suggest that you go to Facebook or Discord and find a local Pokémon GO raid group. They will announce when and where they plan to raid, so all you have to do is show up with their Free Raid Pass and play.

Leveling up in Pokémon GO is important for several reasons. First, you earn useful items every time you level up and gain access to the best items on PokéStops. Secondly, the higher your level, the stronger the Pokémon that you will encounter and be able to catch. And the stronger your Pokémon, the harder you will fight in gyms and raids. There are many ways to earn XP – catching Pokémon, throwing good balls, hatching eggs, the infamous Pidgey exploit, and more – but major league players say this is the most efficient way to get it quickly.


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