It’s Time to Follow the Old Dusty Trail

The ride here at Lifehacker was pretty enjoyable, but it’s time for me to get out of town and drive towards the sunset. Some of you may be sad to know that I am leaving. Some of you may be glad that I am leaving. But I? Well, I’m just happy to be here.

Over the years, I have had the pleasure of writing thousands of articles here . Some of them went pretty well, garnering all those tasty clicks, positive comments, social media reposts, and recommendations that we writers follow. And some of them, well, some of them weren’t that good. I don’t need to point to them; you already have. Hey, you can’t do a home run every time you swing the bat – the game is messed up.

I became philosophical with Meditations Mid-Week Meditations , convinced people to ask me for my mindless advice with Tough Love , learned to survive all kinds of animal attacks, and hopefully helped people prepare for the worst that nature (and man) has to offer. with my ongoing series on natural disasters and other emergencies . I had to post videos about creating smart homes at an affordable price , to dive deeply into the science of happiness , studying and writing about photography , as well as share tips from my travels around the world in such places as Japan , Cuba and Mexico . I even had to share my personal struggles and express my thoughts on writing . At Lifehacker, we cover it all, which means I literally have to write about it all.

I also had to work with some extremely great people. The people I want to thank from the bottom of my heart. From the editors who took the risk and let me run wild with crazy ideas in my head, to my fellow writers who lift my spirits and always do their best to produce great work, thank you. I appreciate each of you.

Most importantly, I would like to thank the Lifehacker readers who have put up with me over the years. THANK YOU. Really. After all, what is a writer without a reader?

As for where I’m going, nothing is set in stone. I just finished my second full length horror script, I am helping to create a horror short film that I wrote for VR, and I have a few more scripts that I plan to write and promote in addition to some pilot projects that I will buy. I also have a novel that I started during NaNoWriMo that I need to finish, as well as a couple more books – some fiction, a little non-fiction – that I will start in the coming months. In the meantime, I’ll write something freelance. If you want to keep up with me, you can follow me on Twitter , check out my travel photos on Instagram, or check out my personal website from time to time . Maybe we’ll see each other.

Cheers, friends.

* tip of hat *


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