If Sinemia Owes You a Refund, Call Your Bank

Sinemia, a discounted subscription-to-movie ticket service and a major competitor to MoviePass, announced today that it will end its operations in the United States, affecting moviegoers around the world on the day one of the biggest films of the year is released.

“As Sinemia, we started our journey with the goal of helping as many moviegoers as possible enjoy an affordable and better movie experience by creating a movie ticket subscription service that will add value to both moviegoers and the film industry,” Sinemia wrote an email to your subscribers. “[…] Despite our team’s best efforts, it was difficult for us as a startup to continue to provide our services to moviegoers in the US without the resources and sufficient capital to cover the increased operating and legal costs.”

In other words, they really have no money, and judging by the statement, Sinemia has not made any claims regarding refunds to subscribers. Is there a way to get my money back?

The very first step you should take is to immediately call your bank and send a review; inform them that you paid for services that were never provided. According to one Reddit thread , a number of users who pay for their annual membership through Sinemia receive prorated refunds through Chase. (In addition, you must inform your bank to block any further transactions from the company, just in case.)

It is unlikely that you will get your money back directly from Sinemia for now, given that the company has just filed for bankruptcy . At this point, it is best to contact your bank.


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