How to Upload Your Entire Purchase History on Amazon

I have made several purchases on Amazon over the years. I always knew that I could go to the site and see the history of my recent orders. One thing I didn’t know is that you can download the entire order history as a spreadsheet from the site. CNBC detailed how to do this earlier this week.

The site’s order history tool allows you to download a list of all orders that you have ever made or only for a specific period of time. The spreadsheet will not only list those items, but it will also tell you when you ordered each item, who you order it from (Amazon or a third-party seller), how much you spent on the item, what payment method you used, and where did you ship the item.

To do this, go to the Amazon website and select “Account & Lists” in the upper right corner. You have to click on it. From there, select “Load Order Reports” under the “Order and Purchase Settings” menu section.

A form will appear in which you can select the desired type of report. “Items” are what will represent your actual purchases. You can also look exclusively at refunds or refunds on the site. For one of these, choose something other than the drop-down menu at the top of the form (which is Items by default).

Finally, select a start and end date on the form and then click on “Request a report”.

Amazon will tell you that it is processing your report and when it is ready, it will email you a link to the finished product for you to download.

If your report is anything like mine, then it’s time to personally reflect on what an insane amount of money you have spent over the years on things that you may not even remember.


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