You Should Grow a Pizza Garden This Summer.

If you have limited garden space, you will have to make difficult decisions about what you will grow each year. The most important factor when choosing what to grow is what you like to eat. If you love pizza, summer is a great time: throw some stretched pizza dough on the grill and top with fresh garden veggies, cheese and sauce (or fresh tomatoes you grew). The level of satisfaction you will receive will be immense, so I humbly suggest that you grow a pizza garden this year.

Choosing vegetables for filling

Pizza usually starts with tomatoes, and if you like sauce, you’ll need tomato sauce or paste. If you’d rather just add chunks of juicy tomatoes to your pizza, you’ll need larger chopped tomatoes. Of course, you can grow both. While tomatoes are an obvious choice, think about what other vegetables you’d like on a pizza and remember that you don’t have to think traditionally. When I was twenty, I ate a fried eggplant pizza somewhere, and I’ve made it every summer since then. Classic options like peppers, onions and basil are a good start. But also consider summer squash or summer squash. Sliced ​​and grilled, they are delicious on pizza. Spinach, oregano, arugula or rosemary will help make a delicious pie.

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Consider the space

While some vegetables grow better together than others, there’s little harm in planting most vegetables together, even if they don’t benefit you – with a few exceptions. You should not plant fennel in a pizza garden as it will negatively affect any other vegetables planted with it. You can keep the fennel in a separate pot nearby. Also, if you like broccoli and cauliflower on your pizza, you should keep them on one side of the vegetable bed and tomatoes, peppers and eggplant on the other. Greens like basil, arugula and spinach can live in between. The main problem is taking into account the space required by each plant, which may vary. The zucchini will get quite large horizontally, so I like it to hang over the edge of the bed. Tomatoes, especially indeterminate ones, grow quite tall, so they need support. To grow abundantly, basil prefers to hide between plants. For example, onions can be planted together with tomatoes because they occupy different spaces – tomatoes are above the ground, and onions are below it.

Pizza in the garden – a late summer treat

Some items in your pizzeria require most of the season to grow. You’ll see tomatoes by mid-summer, but peppers and eggplants take a little longer to incubate. In the meantime, you can enjoy pumpkin, arugula and spinach in other dishes. Onions can be harvested at the green onion stage, even if they have not yet fully blossomed. Just make sure you leave enough in the ground for the plant to reach a more mature state come summer.

Growing all of these vegetables together will allow for a truly colorful bed with a lot of variety in height and texture, but it will also ensure that you don’t have one giant target for specific pests like you would if you were tending an entire tomato bed or large bed. basilica These monocultures are like a bright “open for business” sign for pests that love that particular crop. Each summer, you’ll learn a little more about your garden bed and where to place your pizza garden vegetables for the best space, access to sun, and easy harvesting.


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