The Difference Between Peter Walsh and Marie Kondo’s Decluttering Methods

Marie Kondo and Peter Walsh are great organizers in their own right, whose tips for getting people’s homes and lives in order have helped countless people. While their techniques have some similarities, they also have a few differences that make them more suitable for different styles and situations, so before you choose one, here’s what you need to know.

What is the KonMari method?

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Tidying Up and Organizing Things
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Marie Kondo’s infamous KonMari organizing method consists of a few simple steps designed to ensure that “you never go back to clutter again.” This is what she calls for :

  1. Take it upon yourself to get organized.

  2. Imagine your ideal lifestyle.

  3. Finish throwing away first.

  4. Tidy by category, not by location.

  5. Follow the correct order.

  6. Ask yourself if it sparks joy and get rid of it if it doesn’t.

In this method, you first commit to decluttering and imagine what your life would look like if you were organized and tidying all the time, then throw out the trash, stick to a routine, and evaluate your clutter to only keep things. you really appreciate it.

What is the Peter Walsh Method?

Let It Go: Shortcut Your Path to a Richer, Happier Life
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The Walsh method is a little more intense. The five steps are similar to Kondo’s, but you will notice some differences:

  1. Empty your space.

  2. Create a vision for the space and set an intention for it.

  3. Sort everything you removed into a “vision” pile and an “out the door” pile.

  4. Get rid of the “pile at the door” by donating everything or throwing everything out.

  5. Move everything from the “vision” pile back into the space.

Walsh encourages you to clear everything out of a space or room, set a specific goal for that room, and be a little tough by discarding anything that doesn’t fit the vision.

How do Kondo and Walsh methods differ?

While both Kondo and Walsh advocate spending some time visualizing what a clutter-free space in your life can and will look like, their approaches to achieving your goal are different.

First, KonMari involves cleaning by category rather than by location. On the other hand, Walsh’s technique is very space-oriented; he suggests doing this room by room. Kondo asks you to start with clothes, then books, papers and other items before ending with anything that may have some sentimental value. Walsh is much less interested in sentimentality and advises you to discard anything that doesn’t fit your “vision” for the future space.

To truly apply Walsh’s method the way he prescribes, you need to completely empty the space or room and then slowly fill it. It can be a little overwhelming, especially when the options for what you can save are so limited. Kondo’s steps became a little more relaxed and welcoming; they give you some space to hold on to the things that matter to you and work at your own pace.

Both methods are valuable in their own way; Kondo and Walsh have both sold books and starred in shows because they both have an audience of people who find real value in their ideas. Which method you choose depends on several factors, such as how attached you are to your possessions, how much space you have to organize, and whether you find the task overwhelming.


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