Use the GTD Method to Really Get Through Your to-Do List

The Getting Things Done (GTD) method has been around for many years and has appeared frequently on productivity blogs and forums since David Allen first published Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity in 2001. Since then he has updated the book slightly. and the concept continues to spread. Here’s how to use it in your life.

What is a gas turbine engine?

Allen’s website calls GTD “a personal productivity methodology that redefines the way you approach life and work.” It’s based on the idea that you need to simplify your workload, or at least the way you think about it, because the more ideas, information and stress you have in your head, the harder it is to understand what you’re actually doing . needs to be done, let alone done. GTD is obviously about getting things done , rather than spending all your time thinking about what needs to be done.

When you use GTD, you take all the clutter out of your brain and dump it into a place where you can review it, optimize it, and make actionable decisions. If you often feel overwhelmed or have too much to do, this method may be right for you.

How does a gas turbine engine work?

Although the GTD methodology is complex enough to fill an entire book, it can easily be broken down into five main components:

  1. Record everything that is spinning in your head and attracts your attention in different directions. Write it all down either in a planner or document and don’t skip anything, even if it seems unimportant.

  2. Check what you wrote. Look at each task and identify actionable steps you can take to complete it. Write them down to break down each task into steps. If a task doesn’t have any actionable steps associated with it (not even just “do it” if it’s simple) , consider whether it can be scrapped, delegated, or worked on later.

  3. Organize your work by creating a to-do list, placing activities on a calendar, delegating smaller tasks, saving reference materials, and whatever else you need to do to create a timely and structured approach to completing tasks.

  4. Reflect often and regularly review all the materials you have organized. This could mean that every Monday you review everything, update or revise anything that needs changing, and/or check off anything that is done. Try using an “ after action review ” to take a comprehensive look at what you’ve done and what you need to work on or stick to as you move forward.

  5. Engage by being intentional and active in completing tasks. You have a list of tasks and actions, an organized system with dates and links, and a schedule for checking in with yourself. You have everything you need to get started and gradually move towards achieving your goal.

What’s great about GTD is that it’s adaptable. Allen isn’t saying you need specific apps (although there are plenty that can help you with making to-do lists and staying accountable to your goals ) or that you have to do it digitally or on paper. He just advocates simplifying your workload to something manageable, whatever that looks like for you. A little stress can help you be more productive, but too much stress will have the opposite effect , so creating a personalized system using the GTD method can reduce unnecessary stress and leave you with only the most urgent tasks and steps.


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