Try This Three-Step Method the Next Time You Take a Test.

We talk a lot about test preparation , but not so much about what you should do when it’s time to sit down and take the test. Whether it’s a class, a certification, an entrance exam, or something else, there are some easy ways to take the test that will help you achieve more and feel less stressed in the moment.

Three Steps to Take on Test Day

I recently went back to school at the age of 30 and found that the college landscape had changed radically since I was a student. A little over ten years ago I turned in my essays on paper, and if I did that now instead of submitting files through an online portal, I’m not even sure my professors would know what to do with them. During my two years of graduate school, I took four paper-based tests, and one of them still offered the option of taking it on a computer. These days, many classes take tests online, either in class or at home, so obviously if you take the exam on your laptop, you have more options to keep notes nearby or otherwise help yourself with your studies. answers. The following tips work best when the exam is administered in person, on a computer or paper, and in a closed book.

Step 1: Once the test begins, do a “brain dump,” which, as recommended by Harvard , involves simply “[writing] all the information you need on a piece of paper.” Write down any formulas, vocabulary words, or basic concepts you learned in preparation for the test. (If you can, study with mind maps or a method like SQ3R so you can easily remember the main ideas you’ve written down.)

Step 2: Once you’ve created this quick cheat sheet, scan the test once and look for questions that you’re confident you know the answer to. Answer them to eliminate the ones you are absolutely sure about and spend your time on the ones you are not sure about without rushing.

Step 3: Go back and answer the questions you weren’t sure about right away. With your tip sheet complete and the “easy” questions out of the way, you now have the entire test period to work through them.

What to consider when taking the test

Make sure you have a way to keep track of time. If you use a computer, this is easy, but if not, you need to check in advance whether there is a clock in the room, or wear a watch. Especially before certifications or standardized tests, you’ll be checked in advance to make sure you don’t have anything on you that could help you cheat, so choose a simple watch like this one . Once you get to step three—the questions you’re unsure about—count how many there are and divide that number by how many minutes you have left so you know exactly how much time you can allocate to each one.

Test preparation is also key, which sounds obvious but is backed by science . The more you have studied and prepared, the more relaxed you will be, which will help you succeed. If you’re not ready or relaxed, take a moment to practice mindfulness meditation to help you feel more at ease.


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