IPS Is Like a More Accurate Cousin of GPS for Indoor Use

Even if most people don’t understand how GPS works, we rely on it all the time and appreciate the role it plays in our lives. Global positioning powers mapping and orientation programs such as Google Maps, it ensures timely delivery to us, and is used in virtually any technology that currently uses tracking, timing, positioning, or navigation. A lesser-known similar technology using more localized reference points, called indoor positioning systems (IPS), also helps map the interior of spaces.

What is the difference between GPS and IPS?

There’s a reason people talk about GPS when they mention IPS, so it’s helpful to start by understanding how GPS works. Many countries have satellites that orbit the Earth specifically for GPS purposes. These satellites send and receive signals from objects on Earth and, at the most basic level, track the time and distance to that object between satellites. In doing so, they create a map of objects, their relative locations and distances from each other, and the time it takes them to move.

GPS is difficult to use indoors because signals can be weaker due to interference from buildings. Additionally, while GPS is accurate, its accuracy is 7 meters (22 feet). 22 feet of space may not make a big difference in terms of DoorDash delivery accuracy, but it can make a big difference when it comes to finding a product in an Ikea aisle or the right room in a hospital. Since people need help navigating both indoors and outdoors, a more accurate system is useful. This is where IPS comes to the rescue.

Similar to GPS, IPS uses smartphones and other smart devices as tracked objects, and then uses Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and any other possible signal indoors to measure the time and distance of the smart device from points in space. The more points it can track, the more accurate the IPS can be.

It is also possible to tag people or objects using wearable tracking devices such as NFC or RFID tags to make it easier to find someone or something. Imagine walking into a confusing space like a hospital and being given a visitor badge with an embedded NFC tag. An app that tracks the location of an NFC tag can direct you to the exact room you’re looking for, showing your location in real time as you navigate the hallways.

IPS is already in use in places you’ve been

While you may not have heard of IPS, chances are it has already been used in the places you’ve visited. For example, in theme parks: Disney already uses IPS technology in its parks, as does Ferrari World . And the hospital example above was not just an example: medical institutions like National Taiwan University Hospital already have IPS around the world, not only to help patients find beds, but also to track the patients themselves, including babies. Another example is shopping centers such as Canary Wharf in London. Airports, convention centers, zoos, large offices, and even underground transportation hubs such as subways can and already use IPS.

While IPS can be used to monitor the traffic of people passing through an airport in real time, the accuracy that IPS offers can also help plan better traffic flow in the future. If data shows that people are congregating in one area of ​​the store, but products are not being purchased from that area, managers can figure out what the problem might be and fix it. Data can help guide users, but it can also be a powerful tool for businesses that manage the premises themselves.


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