Use the Eight Elements of Flow State to Become More Productive

You hear a lot about working in a “flow state,” but what the hell does that even mean? On the surface it looks like one of those corporate jargon words that gets thrown around a lot, but it goes much deeper than that. It’s a state of mind that makes you feel like you’re in the zone, but it’s also backed by a ton of psychological research .

What is flow theory?

Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi came up with this theory in 1970, suggesting that the state of flow is similar to when someone is swimming, being carried along by water: their brains are working so efficiently that they simply move forward without problems, being pushed forward.

He spent time interviewing entertainers and athletes at the top of their careers to understand when and how they performed optimally, and how everyday people can also get into a state of flow. He has written many books on the subject, but below are eight basic characteristics of flow that you need to know.

Basics of Flow Theory

Csikszentmihalyi’s work ultimately describes eight clear characteristics of being in flow:

  1. You are completely focused on your task.

  2. You have clarity on goals and can get immediate feedback.

  3. It seems that time is transforming, sometimes speeding up, sometimes slowing down.

  4. Work is inherently satisfying.

  5. There is a feeling of lightness and lightness.

  6. The work is difficult, but you have the skills for it.

  7. You are not shy; action and awareness work together.

  8. You feel in control of the task.

This may sound familiar if you’re familiar with ” deep work ” or Cal Newport’s definition that work requires doing when you’re completely absorbed in it and without distractions. These two concepts are very similar, but to implement them you need to do a few things. From the above list of characteristics of flow, it is obvious that skill and resources play a big role in whether you can feel like you are in a state of flow while working. Obviously, you’re only likely to get into this state if you’re doing something you’re fully prepared for, so don’t aim for it if you’re going to do something that requires input from other people and resources. which you don’t need. you don’t have or skills you don’t possess.

When you’re trying to achieve a state of flow, plan when you need to complete an important and time-consuming task. For example, when planning a 1-3-5 daily to-do list, your one big task should be one for which you are fully prepared and have all the resources. Also remember Carlson’s Law , the idea that any work you try to do while distracted will be suboptimal; you can’t work, let alone flow, if you’re being pulled in different directions, so schedule the time you’re going to tackle your big task to coincide with a time when you have nothing else going on and you can complete it. your full attention. Use time frames to allocate this time into your schedule on a minute-by-minute basis and, if possible, make your calendar public so people in your organization know you’re not available.

If you’re working hard on something but don’t feel like you’re achieving any flow state, go back to the list of characteristics to see what’s missing. Are you distracted? Are you unable to get immediate feedback? Are you missing the required resource? Is the job too challenging for your skills, or maybe not even challenging enough to hold your attention? By identifying which characteristic you are most lacking, you can solve the problem and get closer to achieving peak productivity.


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