Yes, You Should Clean Your Coffee Grinder.

Sometimes, out of laziness, I fool myself into thinking that if an item has one function and only ever contains one type of content, it doesn’t need to be cleaned very often because there is no risk of contamination. It is not true. It’s a delusion. Take coffee grinders, for example. Yes, you fill them with beans and grind them and nothing else happens there. It’s not wet, you never add anything other than beans, and you can put more beans on top of the grind and continue the cycle indefinitely. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean it. In fact, you really should. Here’s how.

Why clean your coffee grinder?

First, let’s look at why you should clean your coffee grinder. While the beans may not appear wet or dirty to you, there may be some oil accumulated on their surface that can ultimately ruin the taste of your coffee. If you use your machine every day, you should clean it once every week or two. If you use it less often, try to clean it every time before you put it away. As a rule of thumb, if your coffee tastes strange, simply clean your grinder.

Here’s how to clean the two main types of sanders: blade and burr. Before you do this, give them a quick run to break up any last bits of beans that might be in there somewhere.

How to Clean a Blade Coffee Grinder

If your coffee grinder uses a blade, you need to focus on removing the oil from it. To do this, you can use store-bought grinder cleaning tablets, such as those from Urnex , which sell in a set of three for $12.98. You can also use regular old rice. Either way, you’ll be adding tablets or rice (about a quarter cup) to the hopper and then grinding them into a powder like coffee beans. Unplug the machine, pour the powder into the trash and make sure there is nothing left before wiping it up. To do this, you can simply use plain water on a rag or paper towel. Do not attempt to put anything in the dishwasher as it is electric. Instead, just use plain water to remove everything inside and outside the machine, then let it air dry completely before plugging it back in or putting it away.

How to clean a burr coffee grinder

If using a burr sander, disassemble the machine and clean each component with a damp cloth or soapy water. Do not allow electrical parts to get wet. To clean the burr itself, consult your owner’s manual for instructions on how to remove it, and don’t be surprised if it requires a screwdriver or some serious work. Brush off any remaining beans and grounds, then wipe with a dry cloth to absorb the oil. Do not allow water to come into contact with the surface to prevent it from rusting, but if necessary, be sure to dry it completely with the same dry cloth. Air dry each component separately before reassembling.


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