Seven Mistakes to Avoid When Your Child Is Sick

Although this has (probably) happened several times in their short lives, when our children get sick they never get better. Every time they cough or whine, our heart rate increases. Although we may think we know what to do when our child is in bad weather, we tend to call friends and family for advice or Google their symptoms, even when common sense says they just need rest, comfort and drink.

So, okay, you know what you should do, but what should you avoid? Since the internet is full of suggestions that can confuse you, we’ve put together an explanation of what not to do to get your baby back to full strength.

Don’t worry about pushing vitamin C.

When our children get sick with a cold, our first instinct is to run out and buy an immunity booster with high doses of vitamin C to help them recover naturally.

But Dr. Molly Grow, MD, MPH, of Seattle Children’s Hospital and professor of general pediatrics at the University of Washington, says that while focusing on giving your baby healthy, nutrient-dense foods is a good strategy because your child’s body healing, there was no evidence that high concentrations of vitamin C would improve their healing more than a normal dose.

Don’t give them (too much) sugar

Speaking of treats, if one of your baby’s symptoms is diarrhea, sugary foods and drinks may make the situation worse. Grow recommends diluting fruit juices, freezing them, or freezing them in popsicles to make them less concentrated.

“If your child has a sore throat, this may cause some numbness in the swollen or tender areas,” says Grow.

However, there is nothing wrong with making your child feel comfortable if they are not feeling well. It won’t interfere with their recovery if you stop at a Happy Meal on the way home from the doctor’s office.

“I think you have to take everything in moderation,” Grow says.

Don’t wake them up just for the medicine.

In addition to rest and fluids, your child may need to take over-the-counter or prescribed medications to help him feel more comfortable. There are usually instructions to give them a dose every few hours, but if your child is resting when it’s time for the next dose, you shouldn’t wake them.

“Let kids sleep because sleep is a very important part of our body’s healing process,” Grow says. “Most of our recovery comes from extra rest and sleep. It’s important to let your body do what it wants naturally while you sleep.”

Don’t overdo it with over-the-counter medications

According to Grow, most over-the-counter cough remedies for children are ineffective. “Essentially, these are sort of placebo drugs,” she adds. Add sore throat sprays to this list. In any case, most cold medications are not recommended for children under four years of age .

There are more natural alternatives to treating coughs and sore throats. For children over the age of one, honey is more effective than over-the-counter cough suppressants, which have natural anti-inflammatory properties, according to Grow. (However, honey should never be given to children under one year of age—they are especially susceptible to Clostridium bacteria, which can cause infant botulism.)

Grow says VapoRub and cough drops may also be effective for children with a stuffy nose, sore throat and cough. However, what you can take varies by age, so check labels carefully.

Speaking of labels, if you’re giving your child infant formula acetaminophen (such as Tylenol) or ibuprofen (such as Motrin) to relieve pain or reduce a fever, it can be difficult to determine if you’re giving the right dosage. Most come with a dosing cup or syringe to help you make sure you’re giving your baby the right amount, so use it.

“Just take the time and make sure you know your baby’s weight and use the right dose,” Grow adds.

Don’t keep them inside

It’s a common myth that going outside when your child is sick is unhealthy. However, if they stare at the TV or tablet all day, their eyes may become strained and cause headaches. Grow says it’s okay to let them go outside and get some fresh air if that’s what they want.

“Being in nature regulates our systems,” she adds. “Just going for a walk or something that isn’t strenuous, but doing something [outside] is generally very beneficial.”

There is no need to rush to the doctor

If your child has a fever but is able to eat, stay hydrated, and shows no changes in mental status, you can monitor him from home for a few days. Give them acetaminophen or ibuprofen infant formula, preferably without added flavors or colors. However, if symptoms change or the fever lasts more than five days, Grow says it would be a good idea to see a doctor.

Don’t isolate them from yourself

Physical connection with you can be therapeutic for your baby, and the feeling of comfort can help him in his recovery. If you’re worried about catching what they’re carrying, consider wearing a mask to prevent getting sick yourself. Remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid sharing food and utensils, and keep plenty of hand sanitizer on hand.

Although it is unpleasant to be at home with a sick child, it means that his immune system is strengthened. “We hope that overcoming the disease will mean that children will have better protection next time,” says Grow.


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