Try These Alternatives to SMART Goals to Get More Done

SMART goals are a useful way to turn your ideas and goals into actionable plans, but if you work in a large team or need to track more ambitious, long-term goals, SMART may not be the best method. Depending on your needs and workflow, other goal tracking methods such as FAST and PACT may be better suited.

What are SMART goals? When should you use them?

SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. When you write them, you should make sure that your goal meets all five of these requirements, usually writing it in a sentence like this: “By the end of the month, I will pass three practice tests to prepare for the chemistry test. » It is specific because it says what you are going to do and why, measurable because you set the number of tests and the expected score on each one, achievable because it can be reasonably done, relevant because it relates to a pressing need. and are time-limited because it is related to an upcoming deadline.

SMART goals are used by students, workers, and anyone who needs to break down their to-do list into manageable action items, but they can be limiting. For example, they may be too specific to be widely applied, so if you have to do the same tasks at work every month, you’ll end up redoing the SMART goal each time instead of creating a process to follow. They’re also not ideal for collaboration because while you can share a SMART goal with others, it doesn’t leave much room for conciseness and authority about who should do what to achieve the goal.

FAST goals

The first useful alternative to the SMART goal is the FAST goal, which is especially useful if you are in a position to lead or delegate, but is generally useful for teams in general. FAST means the following:

  • Frequent discussions

  • Ambitious scope

  • Specific measurements

  • Transparent

Using SMART goals, you analyze your desired end result through the lens of how achievable it is and when you will achieve it. With a FAST goal, you look less at the elements that define the final product and more at how you will collaborate on it. FAST goals allow teams to adapt and evolve as the project progresses because they require frequent discussion and transparency about what the stretch goal is and how success will be determined.

Let’s say your team at work needs to prepare a report for the end of the quarter. You already know when the deadline is, so you don’t have to consider timeliness like you would with a SMART goal. Instead, view the task through a FAST lens, setting regular times to meet and discuss and creating clear communication channels so everyone can stay on the same page. Project success can be measured by manager feedback, customer response, process improvement, or increased sales; you need to define what “success” will look like upfront, but staying communicative and transparent will help you—and allow you to make the end goal ambitious.

PACT goals

PACT goals, like FAST goals, focus more on the process of achieving a desired outcome rather than on the measurement of the outcome itself. Here’s what PACT means:

  • Purposeful

  • Effective

  • Continuous

  • Trackable

Like a SMART goal, PACT works well if you figure something out on your own, but it is more process-oriented. Let’s say your goal is to get in shape. For a SMART goal, you might have to define it as: “By the first day of summer, I will exercise five hours a week, lose 20 pounds, and increase my muscle mass by 5%.” It’s specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound, but once you write it down, you’ll power your own path to the finish line. A PACT goal might look something like this: “To get in better shape and improve my health, I will exercise five times a week and track my weight loss and muscle gain using my smart scale.” Rather than being time-based, this approach embraces the process but also incorporates purposefulness, reminding you why you do what you do. You still take action and track metrics, but purpose is rooted in purpose and driven by continuity rather than a specific end result.

It’s important to keep your goal front and center as it helps you stay motivated and reminds you of what you’re really working towards. If you are creating a report at work, you may fall into absolutism, knowing that this is your assigned task and you must complete it. If you remember that you are creating a report so your company can attract more clients or improve internal operations, you remember that it could lead to more business, accolades, or even a pay raise. Tracking your progress is also key to staying motivated and working toward your end goal, even if it’s not as tightly defined as a SMART goal.


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