Does Using LinkedIn’s “Open for Work” Badge Help or Hurt Your Job Search?

Current job seekers have access to an unprecedented array of programs, platforms and other online tools designed to make the tedious and time-consuming task of searching for a job a little easier. Unfortunately, knowing how and when to use them is not always easy.

Take LinkedIn’s “Open for Work” feature , for example. Starting in 2020, users of the platform can add a green frame to their profile photo that says “#OPENTOWORK” and can make it visible to everyone viewing their profile or just to recruiters.

Over the years, several strong opinions have emerged about what is, at least in appearance terms, a relatively small aspect of a job seeker’s LinkedIn profile, including from career experts who encourage people to use it , and others who advise against it, the claim is that it makes people look desperate . Of course, this is more difficult than always using or avoiding an additional profile photo frame. Here are some pros and cons of using LinkedIn’s Open for Work feature to help you sort through the conflicting advice.

What is the purpose of LinkedIn’s Open for Work feature?

Considering the social media platform’s website describes the company as “the world’s largest online professional network,” it’s easy to see where the “Open for Work” feature (shown below in the sample profile) fits in. If users want to use their professional connections to find a job, a green banner lets them, as well as any recruiters who happen to stumble upon your profile, know that you’re looking for something new. Additionally, the ability to limit the banner’s visibility to recruiters allows people to begin their job search before posting it.

Photo: courtesy of LinkedIn

Why is Open to Work controversial?

There has been debate about whether to use the “Open for Business” banner since the feature itself was introduced. The general gist is that while some career advisors and recruiters consider this profile addition to be useful (or at least something that should not harm job seekers), for the reasons stated above, other recruiters have indicated that banners may do more harm than good. , based on his own assumption that anyone who publicly advertises their job search must not be a top-level talent.

After years of hot reviews, the “Open for Work” feature wasn’t necessarily on the radar of recruiters or job seekers; that is, until October 2023, when Nolan Church, a former Google recruiter and current CEO of Continuum , intervened. In an interview with CNBC, Church called the “Open for Work” banner “the biggest red flag on LinkedIn,” noting that it can seem “desperate” to a hiring manager and reignite debate about using the job search tool.

How many people use the Open for Business feature?

When I contacted a LinkedIn representative about the ongoing controversy surrounding the Open for Business feature, the company chose not to comment directly on the criticism, but did answer some of my questions about its use. About 33 million LinkedIn users—out of more than one billion members worldwide —are actively using the Open for Work feature right now, according to Susie Owens , senior director of product communications at LinkedIn.

With so many variables, it’s difficult to measure the extent to which adding a profile photo frame has helped or hurt job seekers, although LinkedIn data suggests it may lead to more posts. “Members who publicly use the #OpenToWork photo frame are on average 40 percent more likely to receive InMails from recruiters and 20 percent more likely to receive messages from the LinkedIn community,” Owens said in an emailed statement.

But what do real recruiters, hiring managers and career experts think about the announcement that you’re #OpenToWork?

Is LinkedIn’s Open for Work feature helpful or harmful?

Since there’s really no one-size-fits-all career advice, it’s up to you to decide whether to call yourself an “open-minded” person. But to make the decision easier, here are some potential pros and cons to consider before adding a banner to your profile photo.


First, let’s talk about how using this tool can help in your job search:

  • This shows that you are serious. When Scott Lieberman, founder of Touchdown Money , sees an “Open for Work” banner on someone’s LinkedIn profile photo, he knows that person is serious about finding a new position. “It’s no coincidence that they’re scanning the job market or simply brushing up on their interview skills,” says Lieberman, who has more than a decade of experience serving on HR hiring committees. Rob Khoury, recruiter at Elwood Roberts , agrees. “Many people will waste your time trying to get an offer, only to use it with their current employer to get more money,” he says. “The sign says, ‘I’m moving.’

  • Increased visibility . Adding an “Open for Work” banner to your LinkedIn photo can make recruiters’ job easier by giving them a visual cue to check your profile as they view potential candidates for a position. “This quickly identifies you as someone who is open to consideration for new positions,” says Matthew Warzel, president of MJW Careers , who has more than 15 years of experience in recruiting, outplacement and career coaching.

  • This may speed up the process. Because the Open for Work badge is a clear and immediate signal that someone is ready to leave their current job, it can potentially speed up your job search, says Mark McShane, chief recruiter and managing director of AED Training . “Greater visibility means faster hiring—we can reach a candidate before they get in front of us,” he says. “For sectors with talent shortages this is huge: it gives us access to an immediate pool of job-ready candidates. Job seekers let the professional network know they are available, while hiring managers receive information about workforce turnover. It’s a win-win.”

  • Access to unadvertised vacancies. Many job listings are not posted publicly—at least not at first. “When you indicate that you’re ‘available for work’ and recruiters turn to LinkedIn to find candidates for that position, you may be challenging an opportunity you didn’t even know existed,” says Warzel.

  • Community support. When job seekers add an “Open for Work” banner to their profile photo and make it visible to everyone, they can receive unexpected support and advice from their LinkedIn network. “This environment encourages people from all walks of life and sectors to comment and message about any potential vacancies that could benefit a candidate,” says Charlotte Grant, senior recruitment consultant at The Recruitment Group .


Now here are some examples of reasons why your profile might be better without a banner:

  • Brand. Whether justified or not, many recruiters agree with Church’s assessment as a “red flag.” “Some employers may perceive the phrase ‘Open to Work’ as a sign of desperation, leading to unconscious bias,” says Grant. According to McShane, that’s because adding a green banner to your profile photo exposes you to a certain stigma: actively looking for work. “There is no exact data on the impact of stigma on hiring statistics, but it is widespread in the industry,” he says. While bias is often unfounded, McShane says using this feature can cloud a hiring manager’s perception of a candidate, causing them to wonder if they’re underpaid at their current job or struggling to maintain employment.

  • There may be problems at your current job. People who are already employed and decide to add a public “Open for Work” banner to their profile photo run the risk of someone at their current job noticing it. While there may be situations where this will ultimately benefit someone (for example, a manager offering a raise to an employee they want to keep), it can also lead to an awkward and uncomfortable situation, McShane says. Or as Khoury puts it: “If neither your clients nor your employer know you’re considering a move, it can lead to instability and also demonstrate a lack of loyalty.” Meanwhile, if you’re only looking for a new offer that can be used as leverage for a promotion at your current job and your employer finds out what you’re up to, it could seriously limit your negotiating power, says Melissa Terry, human resources manager. for VEM instruments .

  • Unwanted attention. Sure, publicly identifying yourself as #OpenToWork can make you 20 percent more likely to receive messages from the LinkedIn community, but how many of those messages do you actually want? “The badge can attract a flood of spam messages or unwanted connections,” says Warzel. “Sorting can be time-consuming and can distract you from your focused job search. Be prepared to effectively manage this influx.”

  • Overexposure . According to Warzel, this feature may become less effective over time. “After the initial surge, recruiters can move on to new Open for Work profiles,” he says. “Use it strategically and consider removing it after a certain period.”

When to Use the Open for Business Feature

In addition to the general pros and cons, you should also consider your specific job search, such as the types of positions you’re looking for, your industry, and your level of work experience when deciding whether to use the Open for Work feature. , including when to make it visible only to recruiters.

When to make the “Open for Business” banner visible only to recruiters

As discussed above, publicly announcing that you are #OpenToWork on LinkedIn can lead to a number of positive and negative outcomes. For this reason, many recruiters recommend adding a green border to your profile photo, but adjusting the settings so that it is only visible to recruiters.

The most obvious reason to go this route is to avoid signaling to your current employer that you may be leaving. “This is especially useful if you like your job but just want to passively explore what else is out there,” says Warzel. “Recruiters may still find you, but bosses and co-workers won’t get the slightest hint.” McShane calls this customization a “strategic trade-off” and explains that as a recruiter, a candidate’s decision to use it does not affect their perception of them. “It just privately lets me know that you’re at least considering the job,” he says.

When does it make sense to use LinkedIn’s Open for Work feature?

Generally speaking, applicants in these categories will benefit most from identifying as #OpenToWork:

  • Technology industry. The fast-paced technology industry means there is a constant need for new employees with specialized skill sets. “Hiring needs are changing quickly, so staying top of mind with technical recruiters is vital,” says Warzel. This also applies to other fast-moving sectors such as digital marketing and renewable energy, “where innovation and active career development are valued,” says Ben Richardson, founder and director of Acuity Training . Indicating that you’re “open to work” means being “ready to take on new challenges and opportunities,” he adds.

  • Healthcare industry. Between 2022 and 2032, health care employment is projected to outpace the average growth of all other occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics . With so many new positions expected, Warzel says clearly communicating your availability can help you quickly connect with recruiters who may have to fill multiple positions at once.

  • Work with high turnover. “It’s also a useful tool in industries that experience heavy hiring and high turnover, such as construction, retail and services,” says Ryan Carrigan, founder and CEO of MoveBuddha , a growing startup where he also serves as a recruiter. . “This can help recruiters find candidates without going through the traditional hiring process,” he says.

  • Candidates at the beginning of their careers. People who don’t have long resumes can learn new skills through on-the-job training, Warzel says, and advertising that you’re #OpenToWork shows your willingness to learn.

  • Mid-level specialists . Recruiters evaluate potential based on experience. “For mid-level positions, ‘Open to Hire’ badges signal untapped talent that companies can attract without making a huge investment,” says Warzel.

  • Freelance, temporary or contract roles. In fast-paced sectors like the tech or creative industries, where freelancing and project work are commonplace, recruiters don’t want to spend a lot of time trying to fill temporary positions, says Rocky Vuong, founder and owner of Caliber Cleaning . Using the “Open for Business” feature is “a quick way to communicate availability without having to be online all the time,” he says.

When is it better not to use the “Open for Business” function?

Here are some examples of when you might want to think twice about identifying as #OpenToWork, according to recruiters and hiring managers:

  • Financial sector. People working in the financial sector, especially those who work with the public, should avoid using the Open for Business feature, Khoury said. “Public opinion in the financial industry is critical to a person’s reputation,” he says, so doing anything that could potentially jeopardize how people perceive you professionally is a risk.

  • Specialized classes. For those in niche jobs (where the applicant pool is small and people in the industry are more likely to know each other), advertising your availability may not be the best way to find a job, Warzel says.

  • Leaders. Several recruiters noted that calling yourself “open to work” is not a good option for executives or those seeking leadership positions. “There is a common belief that senior executives should be closely monitored, and an active badge can indicate a sense of desperation,” says Carrigan. Likewise, Vuong says its use could “undermine their perceived value by making them too easily available.”

  • Overqualified candidates. Likewise, an individual willing to work in positions well below their experience level may raise a red flag for recruiters and hiring managers. Not only will self-demotion look suspicious, but it can also lead employers to view the candidate as a temporary rather than an investment, Warzel says.

  • During a long job search. Even though there are clear benefits to using the Open for Business feature, leaving the banner on your profile photo for too long can have the opposite effect. So how long is too long? Lieberman suggests limiting it to about three months “because some potential employers may shy away from people who take so long to get the job they want.” Khoury recommends an even shorter period: “If it doesn’t get people to contact you within a month, or you find that people aren’t messaging you anymore (like they used to), take it off.”

At this point, you’ll probably want to re-evaluate and tweak your profile, making sure you make it clear that you meet the needs of the roles you’re looking for. After some absence and perhaps a new profile photo, you can always turn this feature back on. Keep in mind that this is just one of many tools at your disposal, and as with the jobs you’re looking for, it may take some trial and error to find the one that’s right for you.


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