Micro Combined Heat and Power Generator Will Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Reducing energy costs is a top priority for homeowners these days, not to mention having an efficient and reliable home energy system. Heating a home often requires a lot of energy, so having an efficient system for this can significantly reduce your energy costs. Imagine if you could combine efficient heating with electricity generation. You can: It’s called a micro combined heat and power generator (mCHP).

Where did mCHP generators come from?

Originally intended for industrial use, combined heat and power generators are separate devices that can generate electricity from propane while producing heat and hot water. The system can be off-grid, so it does not rely on electricity from the grid, and can include solar power and battery storage, making it resilient even during power outages. A micro-CHP or mCHP generator is the same idea, but scaled up for individual homes.

Micro-CHP generators are extremely efficient

The mCHP generator captures the excess heat produced by the generator engine and uses it to produce useful heat and hot water for your home. According to Oak Ridge National Laboratory , mCHP generator technology can reach 93% efficiency, which is about 60% better than the average efficiency of electricity supplied from the grid. Even in the worst case, the mCHP generator will operate at around 35% energy efficiency, which is 2% better than the average network performance.

Installing micro-CHP is more expensive

Because mCHP generators typically require retrofitting to add to an existing system, they are likely to be more expensive to install than other options. The simplest installation can cost around $5,000, while the largest, most complex installation can cost around $40,000, compared to $4,000 to $25,000 for a traditional whole-house generator. The cost of installation depends largely on the area you live in, the size of your system and its complexity, including the volume of hot water you need and the area of ​​your home that needs to be heated.

How to Calculate Energy Savings with mCHP

It’s not easy to predict even the average savings that an mCHP system can provide due to variable fuel costs, variable cold temperatures in the region, and the efficiency (or lack thereof) of your current system. However, taking into account your current energy consumption (as shown on your electricity bill in kilowatt-hours (kWh)) and the amount and cost of fuel you currently use for heating, if you use natural gas, oil or other fuel , and then by comparing that usage to the average expected fuel consumption of an mCHP generator suitable for your home, you can get some idea of ​​your potential savings. If your mCHP system saves you on average 15% of your energy costs, you can expect to save approximately 15% on your bills. However, the savings from using an mCHP system will largely depend on the circumstances of your specific system, so it is important to work with your mCHP specialist to calculate your needs to ensure that these are true savings for you.

How to find a contractor who can install a mCHP generator

The United Thermal Power Alliance lists its members , many of whom are manufacturers and contractors specializing in mCHP generators. This can be a good starting point for finding a reliable installer for your job. You can also try contacting local gas companies, as they sometimes work with installers who specialize in natural gas equipment, such as mCHP generators. Since this technology is still developing in the US, you may have to do some digging to find a contractor. Be sure to read reviews and ask lots of questions before choosing one to ensure you are hiring someone who has experience installing mCHP systems.


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